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Canada, sometimes unofficially called Dominion of Canada, is a country located in the northern part of North America. The territory of Canada comprises ten provinces and two territories, that extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, sharing a land border with the United States to the south and northwest through Alaska. Whilst Canada, given its landmass, is relatively sparsely populated, is not without a considerable population, the two most populous provinces in Canada being Ontario and Quebec, though the issue of Quebec separatism has, since the conclusion of the Second World War, become an ever-present issue that threatens to put paid to this figure. Even in Western Canada, rumblings of discontent with the perceived detachment of the Ottawa government from the issues of the West, grow ever louder.


Canada is a founding member of the OFN, led by the United States and quickly formed following the disastrous conclusion of the Second World War for the Allied powers, with the OFN serving as an international alliance between the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the West Indies Federation, Belize, Suriname, Iceland, Faroe Islands and Guyana. The alliance's main purpose is to promote democratic and Western influence across the globe, as well as securing the safety and sovereignty of Australasia and the Americas. Whilst many a Canadian can count themselves lucky to be protected from the Greater Germanic Reich abroad, others in Canada begin to see it as nothing more than a method of promoting American interests in Canada, threatening the future of Canada, with many a wary Canadian waiting to see what becomes of this alliance, ready to sound the alarm at any sign of this pact becoming an economic one, shackling Canada forever more to the American behemoth.

Canada has assumed, for all intents of purpose the mantle of head of the Commonwealth of Nations, itself comprising Belize, Guyana, the West Indies, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, housing not just the largest population of British exiles out of the other Commonwealth nations, but also playing host to the pretender to the throne of the former United Kingdom, as well as the exiled government, whilst Queen Elizabeth II fulfils her constitutional role as sovereign in Canada, serving as a relatively popular figure of unity in an ever more fraught Canadian domestic situation.


Head of Government: Lester B. Pearson (Liberalism)
Foreign Minister: Paul Martin Sr (Liberalism) Ideological Crusader
  • Same Ideology Opinion: +100.00%
  • AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: +10
Economy Minister: Walter Gordon (Liberalism) Big Spender
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 5.0%
  • Construction Speed: +5.00%
  • Production Efficiency growth: +5.00%
Security Minister: Paul Hellyer (Liberalism) Air Power Pioneer
  • Air Accidents Chance: -5.00%
  • Air Superiority: +5.00%
  • Bad Weather Penalty: -5.00%


Canada has at least four generals, one among them is a field marshal.

Field Marshal Jacques Dextraze
General Jack Vance
General Ramsey Muir Withers
General Don C. Laubman


Canada is led by the Liberal Party of Canada.

National spirits

Constitutional Limbo
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.15%
  • Stability.pngStability : -10.00%
  • War Support: -15.00%

Canada is currently sitting in the middle of a constitutional limbo. With the actual constitution sitting in the hands of the collaborationist government in London, Canada essentially exists without patriation. Because of this, a new constitution has been debated for years, constantly vetoed for various reasons. But until one finally gets passed the Canadian people find themselves asking the question: Without a constitution, what kind of nation are we?

The Nixon Shock
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -10.00%
  • Construction Speed: -15.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -15.00%
  • Production Efficiency growth: -15.00%
  • GDP Growth: -15.00%

After the end of the Second World War, Canada lost access to one of its two main exporting partners in the nations of Europe, leaving only the United States for exports. As a result, the Canadian economy is tied intrinsically to the economy of the US. So when the US economy struggles, so does the Canadian one. On top of that, Nixon taking the dollar off of silver only exasperated the struggling Canadian economy, with the Western provinces being hit especially hard.

Elizabeth in Exile
  • Stability.pngStability : 5.00%
  • War Support: 10.00%

God Save the Queen! After the death of her father, King George VI, Elizabeth II was crowned Queen of not just Canada, but the long dead UK, and her defunct Commonwealth. Even though she cannot step foot in the British Isles whilst the collaborationist Edward VIII sits in London with his German puppetmasters, we maintain her legitimacy. However, with no actual way to recapture the Isles, for now the restoration of the legitimate Queen is nothing but a pipe dream.

The Status of Western Alienation
  • Construction Speed: -3.30%
  • Production Efficiency growth: -3.30%
  • Oil Production: 0
  • GDP Growth Factor: -3.30%
  • Ruling Party Modifier: -28.50%

Far away from the bureaucratic machinations of Ottawa, the Western provinces find themselves left in the backseat of interest from Ontario's politicians. As the East gains greater attention on the financial stage in comparison to them, the West is at a crossroads between pursuing the ailing policies draining them of their wealth... or to pursue more pragmatic solutions in lifting their economic burdens, perhaps to the detriment of the government's authority in these potential-rich lands...

The Status of Quebec
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -3.00%
  • Stability.pngStability Change: -3.00%
  • Division Training Speed: -3.00%
  • Ruling Party Modifier: 0

Quebec, known for its rich culture and unique identity as a French lily among the English roses, had always been a powerful force in the arena of Canadian politics. Feeling that their needs have been drowned out by that of the English-speaking majority in the nation, Quebec has begun to double-down on their demands that Ottawa respect the heritage of its land and people, and that their interests be equal than that of their neighbouring provinces. Should they feel that the government ignores them further for their calls for equality, they just shift their tone for a cry of violent change...

Party Ideology Leader Popularity
Liberal Party of Canada Liberal Democracy ideology.pngLiberalism Lester B. Pearson 33%
Progressive Conservative Party of Canada Paternalistic Conservatism subideology.pngPaternalistic Conservatism John Diefenbaker 33%
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation Democratic Socialism subideology.pngDemocratic Socialism Tommy Douglas 21%
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation - The Waffle Revolutionary Front subideology.pngRevolutionary Front James Laxer 6%
Social Credit Party of Canada Social Credit subideology.pngSocial Credit Réal Caouette 5%


Flag Country Name Ideologies Notes
1200px-Canadian Red Ensign (1957–1965).svg.png
Canada Liberal Democracy ideology.pngLiberalism
Prairie Populism subideology.pngPrairie Populism
Classical Liberalism subideology.pngClassical Liberalism
Liberal Conservatism subideology.pngLiberal Conservatism
Democratic Socialism subideology.pngDemocratic Socialism
Social Credit subideology.pngSocial Credit
Red Ensign flag
Canada Maple Leaf Flag.png
Canada Liberal Democracy ideology.pngLiberalism
Prairie Populism subideology.pngPrairie Populism
Classical Liberalism subideology.pngClassical Liberalism
Liberal Conservatism subideology.pngLiberal Conservatism
Democratic Socialism subideology.pngDemocratic Socialism
Social Credit subideology.pngSocial Credit
Maple Leaf flag
Canada Pearson Pennant Flag.png
Canada Liberal Democracy ideology.pngLiberalism
Prairie Populism subideology.pngPrairie Populism
Classical Liberalism subideology.pngClassical Liberalism
Liberal Conservatism subideology.pngLiberal Conservatism
Democratic Socialism subideology.pngDemocratic Socialism
Social Credit subideology.pngSocial Credit
Pearson Pennant flag


Quebecois, First Nations, New-Found-lander, Maritimer, Ontarian, Western Canadian, British Colombian, Inuit, Falklander, Anglo-Caribbean.