Dobrica Ćosić

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Dobrica Ćosić is a Serbian partisan who represents the bourgeois nationalist, anti-Yugoslavist faction of the Serbian National Liberation Front. He can become president of the Republic of Serbia if the Partisans win the Serbian Civil War.

In-Game Description

In the aftermath of the Serbian Civil War, it is Dobrica Ćosić who has assumed responsibility for the welfare of the remnants of the Serbian state. Yet if you told a young Ćosić in 1938 or 1939 that this would be his fate he would laugh in your face or refer you to the local sanatorium.

In that time, the happy time before Yugoslavia was destroyed, Ćosić joined the Communist youth in Negotin. When the Axis came for Yugoslavia in 1941, he joined the Communist Partisans and took to his duties with alacrity... until the Soviet Union fell, and the war kept dragging on with no true hope of success.

Then, he began to doubt the validity of both Communism and Yugoslavism. As a result, as he continued to rise through the ranks, he became more a nationalist than a communist. Exploiting the divide between the Italians and Germans - which was leading to the fortification of the Serbo-Croatian border, and dividing the Croatian and Montenegrin partisans from the Serbs and Macedonians - he inspired others that shared his sentiment and developed a sizeable following within the Partisan movement.

And now that has reached fruition. The man that could debatably be referred to as the father of modern Serb nationalism now is in charge of his country, for better or for worse - though others may well have something to say about that.