Donald Regan

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Donald Regan is an American businessman and potential economy minister for President Barry Goldwater.


Regan supports top-down, minimal government supply-side economics. In a nutshell, this makes Regan a supporter of minimally regulated capitalism with an emphasis on low taxation. Unlike other free-market ministers in the FR-NPP, Donald Regan is very willing to cut federal social spending, making his views very unpopular among the NPP, welfare recipients, trade unionists, and farmers. His radical economic views may force Goldwater to tone his economics down in implementation.


The "Reganomics" Don Regan promotes are likely a reference to the real life "Reaganomics", economic policies that, while implemented by the real life Don Regan, were named after the president he served as Secretary of the Treasury under, Ronald Reagan (a position he held from 1981 to 1985; he also held the position of Chief of Staff from 1985 to 1987).