Republican Party

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The Republican Party is a major political party in the United States. Alongside the Democratic Party it is part of the Republican-Democratic Coalition, representing the American political establishment.


  • Thomas E. Dewey - Former President of the United States
  • Robert A. Taft - Former 1948 presidential candidate
  • Edward Martin - Former 1952 presidential candidate
  • Everett M. Dirksen - Former 1956 presidential candidate
  • Richard Nixon - Current President of the United States
  • William P. Rogers - Secretary of State
  • Melvin Laird - Secretary of Defense
  • Wallace F. Bennett - Potential 1964 presidential candidate
  • Gerald Ford - Potential 1964 vice presidential candidate
  • Absalom Robertson - Potential 1964 Secretary of the Treasury candidate
  • Clark Clifford - Potential 1964 Secretary of Defense candidate
  • Barry Goldwater - Potential 1968 presidential candidate
  • Walter Judd - Potential 1968 vice presidential candidate
  • Carl Curtis - Potential 1968 Secretary of State candidate
  • Donald Regan - Potential 1968 Secretary of the Treasury candidate
  • George Romney - Potential 1972 presidential candidate
  • Donald Rumsfeld - Potential 1972 vice presidential candidate
  • Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. - Potential 1972 Secretary of State candidate
  • George Shultz - Potential 1972 Secretary of the Treasury candidate
  • John McCain Jr. - Potential 1972 Secretary of Defense candidate
  • Nelson Rockefeller - Leader of the Responsible Republicans
  • Bob Dole - Chair of the Republican National Committee


The Republican Party is known to support right-leaning ideologies of conservatism, social conservatism, and economic libertarianism, among other -isms. Thus, Republicans broadly advocate for traditional values, a low degree of government interference, and large support of the private sector.