Federal Directorate of Security

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The Federal Security Directorate (Dirección Federal de Seguridad) is a police force in the Mexico, currently it´s part of the Secretary of Interior under Gustavo Díaz Ordaz and works closely with the Mayor Presidential State and President Adolfo López Mateos. Despite being part of the law enforcement hierarchy, the DFS de-facto acts as the secret police and a significant force behind the rule of the Institutional Revolutionary Party.


Despite it´s lack of involvement in the conflict, after WW2 Mexico under the PRM feared the continual rise of radical ideologies such as fascism and communism. During the war Mexico enacted social dissolution laws that strengthened the police state and severely criminalized most acts of dissident free speech and independent press reporting, while promising to repeal the laws after the war came to a end, newly inaugurated President Miguel Aleman Valdes of the PRI saw the need to secure the power of the brand new party and conclude the transition away from left wing Cardenismo towards apolitical general anti communism, and due to that reason not only did not repeal the Social Dissolution laws but even strengthened them and expanded the prison complex of Lecumberri where dissidents to his regime would be held.

In this context of a weakening legal system and a ever growing police state, the DFS was created in 1947. Officially president Aleman hoped to track down possible Nazi agents and leftover agents from the USSR, but unofficially the goal of the DFS was to crackdown on internal dissent to further attract foreign investors from the United States of America and the Empire of Japan and continue the industrialization of Mexico, while at the same time strengthening the fabric of PRI rule.

While the Aleman presidency grew more authoritarian the DFS still was minor compared to it´s counterparts in the Secretary of National Defense, however the Henriquista crisis of 1952 gave the organization the chance it needed to shine, as it foiled a potential coup attempt by dissident Cardenista elements, the DFS came to lead the effort by president Aleman in his final months as president to radically change the political landscape of Mexico. With the final conclusion being the prohibition of all but 4 parties and any group outside of that consensus being outlawed and heavily restricted.

As the 50s went on the DFS only became more powerful, the Cortines administration briefly moved away from utilizing it in favor of returning to a traditional military approach to social conflict, but as President Lopez Mateos dealt violently with the 1958 strikes the DFS returned to the forefront.

Present role

In 1962 the DFS has it´s agents on a variety of areas, the biggest of these tasks is the containment of the Dominican Republic as the DFS agressively attacks Dominican and Trujilloist agents in Mexico while plotting abroad to bring the Trujillo regime to it´s end at some point in the near future. Domestically as the country is in a period of relative stability and growth the DFS is only used sparingly for situations such as the Kabuki Effect and the killing of Ruben Jaramillo. However the DFS still maintains it´s place in the PRI Leviathan mechanic as one of the great forces within the nation for the player to deal with, and one that will become much more relevant if any crisis events occur in Mexico.