North-West Frontier Province

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The North-West Frontier Province is an autonomous region of Afghanistan. Led by the absolutist Nawabzada Shahabuddin Khan, it is modernizing quickly and experiencing development, however unrest is widespread due to the Khan's authoritarian methods.

National Spirits

Westernising Nation
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +5%
Our nation, despite having been quite backwards in the past, has begun to take strides to improve our standards, and become a modern country. Although this will be quite difficult, considering our past, we must be optimistic.


Flag Country Name Ideologies Notes
Frontier Provinces.png
North-West Frontier Province Aristocratic Conservatism subideology.pngAristocratic Conservatism
Pakistan flag.png
Islamic Republic of Pakistan Reactionary Nationalism subideology.pngReactionary Nationalism
Aristocratic Conservatism subideology.pngAristocratic Conservatism
Aristocratic Republicanism subideology.pngAristocratic Republicanism
Pakistan independence