Gilles Andriamahazo

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This is not Gilles Andriamahazo's first war, not at all. Years ago, when the French empire that had once conquered Madagascar fell over like a wet blanket under the pressure of the German Reich, he was an officer in the French Army. But that commission was ended perforce; Andriamahazo was no fool, to expect that things would improve now that the Free French had been supplanted by a lot of Pétainists and their German puppet masters. Indeed, he was right - and he cursed high and low that his predictions were so accurate.

The French cowards fled to Paris or their walled compounds in Tananarive, and the colonial government deteriorated into the very model of inefficiency. Outside the French palaces, Hitlerites did to Madagascar what they are doing in Europe: lording it over the people, and engaging in random acts of violence to sate their degenerate urges. It made sense; they had come to Madagascar for a port, and were yet to profit from being away from their frigid hellhole of a home.

How much longer could the Malagasy people tolerate this? After the first failed revolt in 1947, there came a rise in nationalist sentiment all through the 1950s. The new decade dawned and saw Andriamahazo appointed head of the local police-and, eventually, leader of the independence movement and the bearer of the hope of the Malagasy people.

Therefore, with the souls of the old monarchs of Madagascar as their witnesses, General Gilles Andriamahazo and the Malagasy people have resolved: either Madagasikara in its fullness shall become Tsiazombazaha, or it will become the grave

of all its people.