Grigory Semyonov

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Ataman Grigory Semyonov is a cossack, nobleman, veteran, and field marshal for Chita.

Semyonov was born into a noble family during the days of the Russian Empire, he was trained as a cossack and led numerous armies during both World War I and the Russian Civil war. After the red victory, he stayed out of the limelight, waiting in the background for the inevitable collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Then, it came. After the collapse of the USSR, Semyonov helped the White Emigrés in Harbin to invade the far east, even though they didn't get far, Semyonov still aided in the establishment of Chita and the coronation of Tsar Mikhail II. Now he remains active in the "Tsar's" cabinet, and in the military, but his advanced age is beginning to creep up on him, and he struggles to lead the white army much farther.