Hastings Russell

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Hastings Russell, 12th Marquess of Tavistock and 12th Duke of Bedford (born December 21, 1888) is a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain from 1945-1953.

In-Game Biography

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Hastings Russell, Marquess of Tavistock and Duke of Bedford is not a man who, under any normal circumstances, would find himself within a hundred miles of power. But these are far from normal circumstances, and so Lord Tavistock finds himself not only an ex-Prime Minister, but also the current Chancellor of the Exquecher.

Cold, aloof and completely austere, the Duke of Bedford nonetheless led Britain for 8 years as Prime Minister until a mental breakdown promoted by “Degeneracy within the BPP” led to his resignation. A firm believer in Social Credit, Lord Tavistock is ironically isolated from much of the Old Guard. His position as Chancellor, truly performed by Chief Secretary Ben Greene, a mere cover for his true activities in cleansing of the Ideologues and Pragmatists from Parliament who had broken him years ago. The least powerful triumvir, Bedford still takes great satisfaction in his mission to purify the BPP. So long as his enemies lie destroyed and his Party remains in power, he shall be content, if not truly happy.

Home Secretary

An abusive upbringing: cold, distant parents compounding his Eton humiliations. An abusive life: an equally cold, distant marriage, ending in ignoble divorce proceedings. A history with the far-right; founding member of the British People's Party, member and affiliate of a dozen fascist groups. A Prime Ministership lost to a mental break. An obsession with social credit: once denied, now unleashed.

The Duke of Bedford's story is, in his mind, a great tragedy. His appointment to Home Secretary is its redemption. All the years he spent promoting social credit, all the capital and goodwill he burned to realise even a fraction of its potential—it all might be fulfilled now. And Hastings Russell will pursue his dream with fervour, even if it sends him and all of England into the abyss.