British People's Party

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The British People's Party is the sole legal ruling party in the United Kingdom of Great Britain.


The British People's Party was founded in 1939 by ex-British Union of Fascists member and Labour Party Member of Parliament John Beckett and social credit activist Lord Tavistock. Its main ideology was opposition to war with Germany, in addition to fascism and anti-semitism.

In 1945, after Operation Sea Lion ended with Germany's victory over Britain and the death of Germany's chosen figurehead David Lloyd George, Lord Tavistock negotiated with the German occupational authorities to transform the BPP from a minor party into the sole legal party of the newly-established collaborationist government after Parliament was restored. However, party leader John Beckett was disbarred from politics from life after his Jewish heritage was revealed to the Germans by William Joyce.


Old Guard

The Old Guard faction is made of up fascist aristocrats and the British nobility.


The Pragmatists are pro-democracy reformists.


The Ideologues are fascists who are unsatisfied with the status quo and wish to implement their revolutionary version of Fascism on the isles.


The Spearhead faction is made up of hardliners and Nazis. It has ties with the British Free Corps

National Salvation

This faction is a hardline pro-Germany faction that appears if Germany successfully invades in Operation Sea Lion II.

Notable members