Henry Kissinger

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Henry Kissinger (born May 27, 1923) is an American politician and diplomat. He initially serves as National Security Advisor in the Philip Hart administration and becomes Secretary of State after the death of Harry Truman.

In-Game Biography

To most Americans, the rise in prominence of "modernity's Carl Schurz" was unsurprising, and his recent dramatic, unauthorized diplomatic overtures only elevated his fame. However, TIME's Man of the Year 1972 was an unlikely success story, and his rise to prominence did not come easily. Born Heinze Albert Kissinger to a Jewish family in Fürth, Bavaria, Kissinger escaped Nazi persecution in 1938 and immigrated to the United States. There, he gained renown for his writings as a professor of political science at Harvard before being invited to join the Hart administration.

Since then, Kissinger gained a reputation for intrigue and manipulation, with a score of allies and enemies to show for it. His tendency to create bureaucratic rivalries was universal throughout his career, and perhaps yielded him his current job as Secretary of State from the late Harry Truman. No power is enough for the darling of Georgetown's elite, but he would never admit it outright; Kissinger will listen, share secrets, build bonds, and if it suits him, wage campaigns to overcome those in his way to perfect policy. The world stage is ripe with potential, and for a carnivorously ambitious man like Kissinger, all that mattered was ratifying treaties signed with his name before anybody else's.