Intalla ag Attaher

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Intalla ag Attaher is a Tuareg statesman and the leader of the Tuareg Confederation of Azawad. He also serves as its security minister and as a field marshal in its army. His brother, Zeid ag Attaher, is a general in the army of the Confederation.


Born in 1927 in the French West Africa, Intalla ag Attaher is the son of Attahar Ag III, leader of the Ifoghas tribes. During a lot of years, ag Attaher lived under French oppression but all changed with the dislocation of the French colonial empire during World War II. He helped his father to build the Tuareg Confederation of Azawad. However, the Germans quickly began a terrible bombing campaign over West Africa. The Tuareg were forced to flee into the desert and their morale plummeted with the death of Attahar Ag III.

But Intalla ag Attaher soon replaced his father. And as the bombing campaign wanes, the Tuareg chief begins to rebuild his confederation, attracting many tribes who refuse to live under European or African rule.


  • Intalla ag Attaher was the leader of the Ifoghas tribes since 1962. For a long time, he played a key role in the relations between the Malian government and the Tuareg tribes. However, in 2012, ag Attaher supported a major Tuareg rebellion against Bamako and became one of the leaders of the moderate rebel faction. Intalla ag Attaher died in 2014.