Tuareg Confederation of Azawad

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The Tuareg Confederation of Azawad is a country located in West Africa. They are bordered by the the Malian State and the Sultanate of Sokoto to the south, the Algerian Military Territory to the north, the Sultanate of Aïr to the east and the Iberian Union and the Islamic State of Mauritania to the west.


The Tuareg Confederation of Azawad was created under the impulsion of Attahar Ag III and his son Intalla ag Attaher when the French colonial empire collapsed. However, the Germans quickly put in place a bombing campaign that destroyed the towns of the Confederation forcing the Tuaregs to flee into the desert. Even worse, their leader Attahar Ag III died. But Intalla ag Attaher soon replaced the founder of the Confederation and rebuilt the Tuareg state.

In 1962, the Tuareg Confederation of Azawad has advantages and disadvantages. Its people have become masters in the art of mastering the desert. However, the Confederation lacks a state structure and its stability is particularly fragile.


Head of State: Bey ag Akhamouk (Absolute Monarch) Azawad minister Bey ag Akhamouk.png
Head of Government: Intalla ag Attaher (Absolute Monarch) Azawad minister Intalla ag Attaher.png Spiritual Leader
  • Stability: +10.00%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +5.00%
Foreign Minister: Bey ag Akhamouk (Absolute Monarch) Azawad minister Bey ag Akhamouk.png Iron-Fisted Brute
  • Justify war goal time: -20.0%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +50.0%
Economy Minister: Zodi Ikhia (Social Nationalism) Azawad minister Zodi Ikhia.png Reformer
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +3.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
Security Minister: Intalla ag Attaher (Absolute Monarch) Azawad minister Intalla ag Attaher.png Man of the People
  • Stability: +10.00%


Azawad has at least five generals, two among them are field marshals.

Field Marshal Intalla ag Attaher
Field Marshal Bey ag Akhamouk
General Zeid ag Attaher
General Alladi ag Alla
General Hadj Moussa ag Akhamouk


National Spirits

Luftwaffe Terror Bombing
  • Construction Speed: -60.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -40.00%
  • Production Efficiency Growth: -35.00%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +25.00%
Launched from airfields in Südwestafrika, the German Luftwaffe regularly launch missions across western Africa, indiscriminately bombing both civilian and military targets as a demented form of 'pilot training'. Only along the coast do those few scattered cities with sufficient anti-air capabilities keep the Luftwaffe at bay, with none in the region capable of beating back this enemy permanently. This leaves the Germans with near impunity to strike the towns and farmlands further inland, crippling west African growth until this nightmare can finally end.
Tuareg Heritage
  • Division Organization: -20.0%
  • Stability.pngStability: -20.00%
Azawad is not a nation so much as it is a tribal confederation, an alliance of the Tuareg tribes of the southwestern Sahara. The government isn't decentralized, it simply doesn't exist. Individual tribes roam the desert, migrating across the sands as they have done for centuries. Without significant reform and centralization, Azawad will never be remembered as anything other than a temporarily unclaimed region of western Africa.
Saharan Nomads
  • Heat Attrition: -50.00%
  • Supply Consumption: +50.0%
  • Hot Acclimatization Gain Factor: +50.0%
The Sahara is a brutal environment, where only the hardiest forms of life can survive. The Tuareg tribes of Azawad are masters of this hostile landscape, making as much of a home of it as anyone could. Centuries of passed-down experience have given them a greater understanding of the desert than any outsider could ever hope to attain.


  • According to the game files, Hamid Algabid is the leader of the ultranationalist political movement of the country. But, his portrait is not used in the game.
  • Azawad is currently a region of Mali. It declared its independence briefly between 2012 and 2013 but the State was never recognized by anyone.