Jânio Quadros

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Jânio Quadros is a Brazilian politician currently serving as Vice President of Brazil under President Henrique Teixeira Lott.


Quadros pushes for a more independent or Co-Prosperity Sphere-aligned foreign policy, denouncing the Organization of Free Nations as imperialist multiple times.

Quadros can become President in two ways: he can either be the UDN's candidate for 1965 elections, or if Quadros has more influence than Lott, and their relationship is hostile, Lott will resign; if the player successfully completes the event chain, the senate will recognize Quadros as President, otherwise the 100 days crisis will occur. In his tree, he withdraws Brazil from the South African War, And pushes Brazil away from the OFN.


  • Quadros' visit to China as Vice-President gets criticized by left-wingers, mirroring when left-wing President João Goulart visited China in real life, which got him criticized by right-wingers.
  • Currently, Quadros has over 10 unique and unused portraits in the mod's files.