Henrique Teixeira Lott

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Henrique Teixeira Lott (born 16th November 1894) is a Brazilian politician and general, leader of the Social Democratic Party and the current president of Brazil.


Lott was a general of the "Brazilian Expeditionary Force", an army sent into Britain to aid them against the German Invasion. In 1949, after the military coup, Lott managed to negotiate that the army will hold Free elections. He was a Minister of War during Juscelino Kubitschek's presidency, in which he manages to stop the coups planned by Carlos Lacerda and Plínio Salgado, Because of that, and his fight in Britain, he starts being regarded as a Hero and Defender of Democracy in his country. In 1960 Lott wins the presidential elections.


Lott's early focuses revolve around fixing the Brazilian economy and ending the Lobster war with Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika.

Lott will have to chose between 2 plans for the economy, his Minister of Economy, Tancredo Neves will propose increasing taxes and fees, while his Vice-President Jânio Quadros will propose economical austerity, and cutting unnecessary spending

After the start of the South African War Lott decides to Support the OFN against the Schild, allowing him to send Weapons and Volunteers to South Africa. Around that time, Lott will also decide to push the Brazilian military away from Politics by passing the "Lott act" through the Senate. If the vote is held, and the military steps down, the bill can either pass or fail. If the army loyalty is low, and nepotism is high, Lott will be coup'ed by the military after trying to pass the bill.


In real life, Lott retired from the army and public life after being disappointed with his colleagues ousting a democratically elected government in a 1964 coup. This is probably referenced in Lott's attempts to de-politicize the army