John Diefenbaker

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John Diefenbaker is the current leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and a potential Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada.

In-game biography

Born in Ontario in 1895, John Diefenbaker is one of the more senior men in Canadian politics. Serving with distinction in the First World War, he developed a disdain for the way in which politicians seemed so eager to throw away the lives of Canadian boys. Upon returning to Canada after the war, he went to law school, and from there, his political career truly began. Joining politics officially in 1924, he was drawn to the Conservative Party, mainly for its opposition to free trade, which he believed would make Canada dependent on the United States.

Four decades later, however, to say that John Diefenbaker is a tired man would be a gross understatement. Run after run, election after election, the Tories have found themselves at the short end of the stick. The Progressive Conservatives are a dying party, failing to win an election and establish a majority since the 1930's. The popular reign of the Liberal Party for the past 30 years has worn down on Diefenbaker, and this weariness is visible in his disposition and policy. A landslide loss to Pearson and his Liberals in '58 has done little to endear Diefenbaker to the current government.

In addition, the main reason that Diefenbaker ever threw in his lot with the Tories in the first place, fear of Canadian dependence on the US, is now more realized than ever before. The OFN has effectively shackled Canada to her southern "ally", dictating both her foreign and domestic policies. Luckily for him, however, the rise of the British Exiles in Canadian politics has presented the Tories with a unique opportunity to steal back the House from Pearson. With political polarization becoming an ever present issue, one thing is certain: if Diefenbaker and the Tories win the House of Commons, Canada will be flipped on its head.


  • John Diefenbaker was the Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963. In particular, he opposed racial discrimination in his country. Diefenbaker remained the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party until 1967. He also stayed as a member of parliament until his death in 1979.