Karl Hanke

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A master with golden rank treading upon lower men of all rank and blood who tried to rise and revolt. Nothing but the clatter of chains, turning of gears, and bellowing of smoke from factories now.

SS-Gruppenführer Karl Hanke finds himself a man of honor, one of justice and virtue, yet dons nothing but the wills of the industrial magnates, as well as the guns of mercenaries willing to carry it out. Hanke is a corrupt executive who exploits thousands of slaves for his own gain and is defined solely by his greed.

Hanke is a member of the SS, but he's not particularly loyal to their cause and is willing to throw away their anti-capitalist beliefs if it means enriching himself. Fired in his early 20's for joining the NSDAP, Hanke embraced the role of an orator a

nd organizer by talent, and managed to slowly, yet surely, climb his way through the administrative positions of the Reich, even managing to achieve relations with high-ranking figures such as Erwin Rommel, the soon-to-be-late Joseph Goebbels, and even Albert Speer himself. Nevertheless, as the dawning of Axis victory appeared on the horizon, Hanke never allowed his ambition one step back.

Thus began the glory days of the Reich, the days in which the Americans backed off, the French and British were conquered, the Russians were a mere thought upon the hills, and the world became the cornucopia upon which Germany feasted. The Hangman of Breslau put away his rifle, and instead chose the champagne glass, looking to grow his portfolio as greatly as possible as his eyes fell upon the stars.

But every Titan must suffer a fall most terrible. The economy fell, the West Russian War fell, the Reich itself fell, and one thousand years of promised ascension fell within the span of just short of two decades. Hanke coordinated with his good friend, Albert Speer, in navigating the survival of as many of the other Speerites as possible. However, whilst the cannon shots echo above, Hanke rules from below, collaborating with all of the industrial magnates in an effort to secure their work efforts, while watching every corner's shadow for a slave revolt's march upon their borders...and for every leader who may ally with such degenerate rebels