Kaya Okinori

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Kaya Okinori (born January 30, 1889) is a Japanese politician. He leads the Technocrat faction of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association at game start. His term focuses on turning Japan into a technocracy, where the power of the zaibatsus are restricted, the military is placated, and the corruption and partisanship within the Yokusankai is destroyed, all for the sake of maximizing economic efficiency. At the end of his path, he decides on who to choose as his successor. If he allied with the hardliners in his cabinet before, he can choose to appoint Shiina Etsusaburō to succeed him, in which case Japan will be steered towards the path of Reform Bureaucracy. If he sidelined the hardliners, he can choose the much more pragmatic Fukuda Takeo, an Authoritarian Developmentalist by creed.