Kingdom of Norway

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The Kingdom of Norway was a sovereign state that took up the land that is now Reichskommissariat Norwegen. It bordered Sweden to the east and Finland on its far eastern border.


Pre-war history

Norway was previously under the control of Denmark, but was taken by Sweden in 1814 following the Napoleonic Wars. Norway stayed this way until it became independent in 1905. It remained neutral during WWI, and attempted the same during WWII, but this was to no avail.

World War II

Norway declared neutrality, however due to it's vital location for shipping iron to make steel for the German Reich, it was seen as a key target for both sides. The Germans launched operation Operation Weserübung in mid 1940 and invaded Norway and Denmark. The Nazis quickly took Oslo and most major cities in the south within days. Narvik in the north held out for a while longer, but by June, the Germans were in full control of the country. The Germans established Reichskommissariat Norwegen and installed Josef Terboven as their governor, while the Quisling government acted as their puppets to rule Norway.


Norway remains under Nazi occupation, but there is still resistance active in the country, and the memories of a free Norway have not been forgotten by the population.