Republic of Finland

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The Republic of Finland is a country in Northern Europe. It borders the Kingdom of Sweden to the west, its client state Onega to the east, and Reichskommissariat Moskowien to the south. It is currently an observer in the Einheitspakt.


Finland would see a small golden age after the Winter War, successfully fending off a military invasion from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, showing the weakness of the Soviet Red Army. The Finns would later join with the Germans against the Soviets in Operation Barbarossa, fighting the Soviets in the Continuation War and World War II, conquering Eastern Karelia and Murmansk from the Soviet Union. The complete collapse of the Soviet Union in 1942, would solidify Finnish territorial gains and usher in a new golden age for Finland.

West Russian War

The period after the end of World War II was marked by another brief golden age for Finland but the start of the West Russian War in the early 1950s, put an early end to this as the West Russian Revolutionary Front and its allies launched a counteroffensive against Germany and all of its allies to retake their lost territory. The Finnish military were able to repulse the Russian attack and retain all Finnish land, but the West Russian War would become the catalyst for radical change in Finland.



At the start of the game, Finland is an observer of the Einheitspakt, with Onega as a puppet.

Currently, Finland's only role is to barter with whoever unifies western Russia, who can either ask for Onega back, ask for Karelia back, or ask for all the territory Finland took back. Finland can agree to a peaceful transfer, or refuse (no matter the ideology of the unifier), which will lead to war with both West Russia and the Murmansk People's Republic.

The outcome of the war will determine what happens to Finland:

  • If Finland and Onega manage to defeat said unifier, Onega will annex the northern half of Western Russia (as well as Vorkuta), form the Northern Russian Republic, and form a series of client states in the area it did not annex.
  • Finland can offer a ceasefire and agree to allow Onega to be annexed by the unifier of west Russia, in return for Onega becoming demilitarized. It will remain demilitarized as long as the warlord that annexed it is still around; should the West Russian unifier be annexed by another warlord (i.e. should Sverdlovsk led by Pavel Batov peacefully annex the West Russian Revolutionary Front led by Georgy Zhukov), then Onega will be remilitarized.
  • If the war ends in stalemate, Finland will give up the Kola Peninsula, while the West Russian unifier drops all claims to Eastern Karelia.
  • If the warlord manages to win the war, Finland will surrender all of the disputed territory.

During the Karelian War, it is possible for Finland to fall into a civil war between communists and the government, at which point President Rihtniemi resigns and is succeeded by Lauri Törni.


National spirits