Lauri Törni

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Lauri Törni (born 28th May 1919) is a Finnish politician and retired military officer who is a member of the far-right nationalist Patriotic People's Movement.


If the Second Finnish Civil War erupts, President Juha Rihtniemi will resign and is succeeded by Törni. If he successfully leads the Whites to victory against the Reds, after fellow IKL member Paavo Susitaival becomes Prime Minister, Törni announces that he will not run for office again, and the electoral college nominates Elias Simojoki as his successor.


In real life, Lauri Törni is notable for fighting for the armies of Finland and (after Finland made peace with the Soviet Union) the Germans during World War 2, and later migrated to the United States, where he adopted the name Larry Alan Thorne. He joined the Special Forces, and served in Vietnam, dying in a helicopter crash in 1965. He is notable for being the subject of the song "Soldier of Three Armies" by Sabaton.