Lev Gumilyov

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Lev Gumilyov (born 1st October 1912) is a Russian political theorist who currently leads the Passionarity (Passionariyy) Organization, the main far-right group in Komi. He is known to be an eccentric philosopher, but a well-spoken, cunning, and charismatic ideologue.



Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov was born to famous poets Anna Akhmatova and Nikolay Gumiylov, who had divorced when Gumilyov was age 7, with his father being executed when Gumilyov was only 9 years old. As a child, Lev Gumilyov spent most of his life being persecuted by the Soviets for his unorthodox views and unreliable ancestry.

Passionarity thought

While in exile, Gumilyov studied history and ethnography and from this info he devised the concept of Passionarity, which argues that the rise and fall of every historical ethnos is driven by the passionaryy, the few people who change their environment and society to their vision, driving the history of their people forward. He argued that every ethnic group passes through the same stages of birth, development, climax, inertia, convolution, and memorial. It is during the "acmatic" phases when the national passionarity reaches its maximum heat, that the great conquests are made. When Russia had collapsed and fallen into warlordism, Gumilyov saw the salvation of Russia lied within the application of his theory with himself as the leader, to bring the passionarity of the Russian super-ethnos to its maximum heat. Gumilyov created the idea of a superstate named Eurasia, which is composed of a steppe super-ethnos which Russians, Tatars, Kazakhs and other ethnic groups are a part of.

Political career

Failing to apply his theories as Russian warlords ignored and rejected him, Gumilyov eventually found supporters in Komi who felt betrayed by communists and democrats. He founded a combination of a social club, secret society, and political group named the Passionariyy Organization. The coalition is composed up of Eurasianists, "compassionate conservatives", monarchists, and other smaller movements. As a result, he has created the most wide-ranging coalition in Komi. Gumilyov is ruthless and will resort to any means to take charge of Komi and create his Eurasianist vision.


A player who wishes to play as Gumilyov would find it easier to switch to him after the elections in Komi occur, as a simple coup against the Democratic Center will be enough to bring him in power, as he is the first one who appears during the far-right coup. Alternatively, he could just be elected if the player fails to cement their power at a first attempt but succeeds with other Passionarity faction leaders (examples being Ivan Serov or Sergey Taboritsky). In either case, the issue of who cements the total power after the coup will have to be resolved. Since the player starts with vast influence, it should pose no challenge for the player to keep Gumilyov in charge.

At the regional stage, Gumilyov has a unique option of creating a Eurasianist ideology and shaping the new Eurasian state accordingly. He can completely pass every possible Eurasianist decision, greatly favoring minorities and such, he can also take a much more Russian chauvinistic path towards achieving that. Regardless of what path is there to be decided, like other leaders, he has anti-semitic tendencies, though he personally does not see them much as a special threat like the Greater Germanic Reich and Italian Empire for instance, simply being called "Romano Germanics" by him and his associates.

Afterwards, the economy is rightfully called a "masterocracy," which basically transforms the economy into a Neo-feudalist mode of production, as evident by how only the Eurasian elite has a right for delicacies, while the rest have to endure for what they have. After that, the army reforms in the newly formed Eurasian state is basically molded with Slavic, as well as other Eurasian military traditions, that being Mongolian like brutality, as evident by the changes of military policing law to practically non-existing. Lastly, Gumilyov receives a very small focus tree regarding diplomacy, as evident by the fact that Gumilyov is not interested in the foreign affairs of his enemies, and that diplomacy is there only for formalities and shared deals against the current threat against the Germans and Italians.

During the super-regional stage, regardless of what route he had taken regarding the treatment of minorities, he distances himself from Russian nationalists to continue paying them lip service and focuses more on his dream of a united Eurasian state. As such, as the final preparation for unification is made, a special project for nuclear weaponry is available, indicating that like Omsk, the Eurasian state will have a strong capability of ending the world in nuclear hellfire.

Gumilyov cannot peacefully unify with anyone, although much like other Passionarity leaders, the buffs he receives from the focuses are enough to balance out the disadvantages while playing as him.

Quote upon unification

"He was a man born into the world to shake the nations, the scourge of all lands, who in some way terrified all mankind by the dreadful rumors noised abroad cocnerning him."



  • With his only rival being Ivan Serov in real life, Gumilyov is one of the least anti-Semitic figures within the Passionarity, as evident how his real life writings regarding the Jewish population did not represent Jews as a monolith that rules over the world with ill intentions, rather he simply represented them as people, through semi-pseudo historical and scientific analysis, who constantly move and simply have a culture of overextended finance that he generally found disgusting, thus making them incapable of being a part of Eurasian identity. In TNO, he treats them as a side issue that will be dealt with later.