New French State

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The New French State (French: Nouvel état français) is a state ruled by the French SS-Charlemagne that collaborates with the SS State of Burgundy, which can appear if Burgundy collapses or if Reinhard Heydrich wins the German Civil War. They control the lands of France that Burgundy will capture in the Franco-Burgundian War as well as the states of Burgund and Meau. Most men in the SS-Charlemagne flagrantly violate the Burgundian policy of Spartanism and lazily neglect their duties to Germanize the French people. Behind Himmler's back, the men of the legion love to drink, party, engage in prostitution, or get high off of meth produced in their own labs. The local French people despise the SS-Charlemagne for their collaboration with Himmler, while the Burgundians despise them for being "inferior" to the Aryan race. If Reinhard Heydrich wins the German Civil War and subsequently defeats Himmler, the remnants of the SS-Charlemagne legion will come into conflict with the rump French State to the south when Heydrich dies and authority in Germany collapses again.

National Spirits

In Name Only
  • Stability.pngStability: -25.00%
  • War Support: -25.00%
  • Recruitable Population: -50.00%
Maziere's men bear the name of Charlemange, but they are perceived by most Frenchmen as mere German bootlickers. He might see himself as the founder of a new France, but Maziere has a long way to go before his countrymen even consider showing respect.
The Robber Barony
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 10.0%
The leaders of Charlemagne are wealthy men, but not due to any business acumen or hard-earned rewards. Their riches are almost uniformly stolen from others. Though they once restricted themselves to expropriated Jewish property, the officers are not above less patriotic ventures...


Cabinet member Role Ideology Trait(s) and effects
René Binet Head of government Esoteric Nazism ideology.pngEsoteric Nazism Template:Intelligentsia
Marc Augier Foreign minister Esoteric Nazism ideology.pngEsoteric Nazism Ideological Crusader:
  • AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: +10
  • Same ideology monthly opinion: +100.00%
Jacques Corrèze Economy minister Esoteric Nazism ideology.pngEsoteric Nazism Template:Union Buster
Jean Bassompierre Security minister Esoteric Nazism ideology.pngEsoteric Nazism Prince of Terror
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +0.10
  • Non-Core Manpower: +2.00%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: -30%