National Socialism

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The Swastika is the main symbol of National Socialism.

National Socialism, more commonly known as Nazism, is an ideology and a form of fascism that was created by the National Socialist German Workers' Party in the early 1920s. National Socialism is a form of fascism and showed that ideology's disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system, but also incorporated fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, and eugenics into its creed. National Socialism subscribed to pseudo-scientific theories of racial hierarchy and Social Darwinism, identifying the Germans as a part of what the Nazis regarded as an Aryan or Nordic master race. It aimed to overcome social divisions and create a German homogeneous society based on racial purity which represented a people's community (Volksgemeinschaft). The Nazis aimed to unite all Germans living in historically German territory, as well as gain additional lands for German expansion under the doctrine of Lebensraum (living space) and exclude those who they deemed either community aliens or "inferior" races. The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both Marxist international socialism and free market capitalism. National Socialism rejected the Marxist concepts of class conflict and universal equality, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism, and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organization, which tended to match the general outlook of collectivism or communitarianism rather than economic socialism.

Proponents and subideologies

Note: People marked with an asterisk are their countries' starting leaders.

Subideology Description Adherents
National Socialism group.png
Default (None)
National Socialism, the iron fist clutching the heart of Europe for nearly thirty years, refers to the various styles of fascism which incorporate fervent racism, extreme militarism, and a totalitarian, one-party state where individuals are subordinated for the common good. It is distinct from other forms of fascism in its core tenets of brutally enforced racial hierarchy and aggressive, genocidal expansionism as "living space" for its nation's peoples.
In the German sense, Nazism holds several key tenants close to its black heart - anti-Semitism ingrained in every political action; A deep disdain for traditional liberal democracies, the parliamentary system and capitalism; and finally its strong hatred for Communism. While most National Socialist nations are either with or direct collaborators with the German Reich, the term is now often used to describe a variety of fascist movements around the world which echo Nazism's foundations, each with their own unique attributes, such as radical Japanese imperialism.
Germany.png Adolf Hitler*
1200px-Flag of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.png Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk
Niederlande.png Arthur Seyss-Inquart*
Niederlande.png H. A. Sinclair de Rochemont
NS Flag.png Jonas Lie
Ukraine.png Erich Koch*
Ukraine.png Otto Ohlendorf
Volksdirektorat der Ukraine.png Pieter Schelte Heerema
Gotenland.png Franz Maierhofer
Moskowien-0.png Odilo Globočnik*
Moskowien-0.png Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorff
Moskowien-0.png Rudolf-August Oetker
Flag of Great Britain.png William Joyce
740px-Flag of Denmark.svg.png Knud Børge Martinsen
Bad flag.png Siegfried Haß
800px-Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).png Ferenc Szálasi
800px-Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).png Andor Jaross
1200px-Flag of Bulgaria.png Asen Kantardzhiev
Zentralafrika good.png Siegfried Müller*
Sudwestafrika.png Wolfgang Schenck*
Sudwestafrika.png Hellmut von Leipzig
Rk ostafrika tno.png Hans Hüttig*
GrossAfricanState.PNG Kurt Franz
Karl Chmielewski
USA.png Francis Parker Yockey
Flag of the Dirlewanger Brigade.png Oskar Dirlewanger*
Flag of the Dirlewanger Brigade.png Fritz Schmedes
ColombiaNazi.png Heriberto Schwartau
National Socialist Orthodoxy subideology.png
National Socialist Orthodoxy
Orthodox Nazism is the reaction to the reaction. In the eyes of its would-be martyrs, it is the model essence of Adolf Hitler's will, condensed into a creed that made up the very backbone of the Führer's Endsieg and Germany's New World Order. To a true believer, factionalism has defaced the core of National Socialism with its blasphemy. Has Germany not demonstrated the Triumph of its Will? Who are these fattened pigs and opportunists to tell us what the Reich should become? Who are they to tell us that the answer lies in "progress" or "strength" when the answer has always laid itself bare within the annals of History?
Yet History is a cruel master - an amorphous phantom with no form, no face, no will to give up its wisdom. While the sermons of ideologues mask shallowness with apocalyptic cries, Orthodoxy abounds with hidden complexities and quiet wrinkles. Pockmarked with idiosyncrasies and personal biases, Martin Bormann decrees the tenets of his patchwork dogma, with not a soul to tell him otherwise. In vague theses, the NSDAP must purge its "clingers-on" and "due payers" like wheat from the chaff; a new party cadre must emerge from the ashes of the old. This stronger Party shall be composed of iron zealots who dominate every last aspect of society - pune, evangelical, and better than the average man.
It does not matter to the Orthodox National Socialist that his ideology is based upun illogical and quixotic foundations. Nor does it matter that Bormann's vision rests upon the false pretenses of a "true" Nazi ideology. No, to him, this is only the next logical step. His Germany will be Hitler's Germany - only more so.
Germany.png Martin Bormann
Reformed National Socialism subideology.png
Reformed National Socialism
All ideologies that achieve power evolve as they rule, and Nazism is no exception. In its earliest decades, the arbiter of Nazism was Adolf Hitler, summed up in the concept of "Führerprinzip": the Führer's word is the final word, and Nazism is whatever he says it is. But as time passed and Hitler's practical influence within the party waned, he could no longer enforce his will as the sole gatekeeper of National Socialist thought. One of the people who took advantage of that vacuum was Albert Speer.
Speer's National Socialist praxis is marked by a watering down of many of Hitler's more unsavory policies. The meticulous racial quantification, the futile quest for economic autarky, the endless empowerment of the military, even the blind worship of Hitler; Speer considers none of these tenets to be sacred and plans to do away with all of them. These inevitably earn him derision from his more devout rivals: he's a revisionist, he's a factionalist, he wants to replace Nazism with weak and effeminate Italian fascism. Some have even accused him of being a crypto-democrat who wants to destroy Nazism entirely.
What they fail to realize is that Speer isn't reforming Nazism to destroy it, but to save it. By making ideological concessions in the name of pragmatism, Speer is able to amputate the gangrenous limb and keep the rest of the body alive. By limiting rampant militarism, he can diminish the risk of Caesarism in the general staff. And by allowing criticism of Hitler, he can preserve a cult of personality while maintaining the appearance of openness.
If everything goes according to plan, Speer can transform National Socialism from a bloated mess of self-destructive contradictions into a workable ideology while preserving its core. There will still be a one-party state, there will still be racial purity, and most importantly, there will still be one all-powerful Führer.
Germany.png Albert Speer
Ukraine.png Hans Otto Bräutigam
Idiosyncratic Nazism subideology.png
Idiosyncratic Nazism
National Socialism is an ideology, a state of thought, and a state of life with the Aryan race at its fundamental heart and center. To subjugate the Aryan people to the cowardice of practicality or the confines of a German state is the height of folly. This is the National Socialist dream, and long has it laid idle at the foot of corrupt tyrants.
Yet the dream survives. Championed by the likes of Theodor Oberländer and Georg Leibbrandt, Idiosyncratic Nazism is a sect of reformist National Socialism committed not to the "pragmatism" of Speer or the degeneracy of the dissidents, but to something greater: the Aryan people. Some Idiosyncratic Nazis believe that many so-called "Slavs" have Aryan blood, others view them as a lesser - but not subhuman - race. Regardless, they all view the East as more than a massive slave pen to be transformed into Lebensraum. Instead, they see allies in the global struggle against the Judeo-Bolshevik menace. Many also advocate for a return to National Socialism's populist roots, and a re-centering of government policy around the Aryan citizenry.
To most, Idiosyncratic Nazism is a bizarre mess of contradictions, doomed to collapse under its own weight. To its supporters, it is true National Socialism, the manifestation of the People's Will.
Germany.png Theodor Oberländer
Clerical Fascism subideology.png
Clerical Fascism
Fascism is a truly malleable and fickle ideology by nature. Due to this, it has always been able to be adapted to fit the ideological needs and peculiarities of those wielding it even in the days when it was first adopted by Benito Mussolini. Given the widespread and still heavy influence of religion on millions worldwide, it is not surprising that many fascist movements ranging from the infamous Iron Guard of Romania to the Ustase of Croatia have attempted to wield faith and Fascism simultaneously in their quests for power and control over the very souls of their nations. The resulting child of this often-grotesque pairing is known to the world as Clerical Fascism.
While religious influences within fascist movements is nothing out of the ordinary, these regimes tend to be extremists on par in their fanaticism with National Socialism. They are obsessed with theories of "salvation" that are bound inseparably with race and the nation in the minds of its practitioners. Unless their vision of purity is achieved, warn these modern-day zealots, their people will soon find themselves damned both here and in the afterlife. Truly, is there anything as dangerous as those absolutely assured of their own righteousness?
1200px-Flag of Slovakia (1939–1945).png Jozef Tiso*
1200px-Flag of Slovakia (1939–1945).png Štefan Tiso
Serbian Government of National Salvation flag.png Dimitrije Ljotić*
Serbian Government of National Salvation flag.png Jakov Ljotić
Ustaše Flag.png Mladen Lorković
Ustaše Flag.png Jure Francetić
Boer Republic.PNG Albert Hertzog
Flag of Amur.png Konstantin Rodzaevsky*
Catholic State of New Granada.png Julián Mendoza Guerrero
Stratocratic Nazism subideology.png
Stratocratic Nazism
Following the end of the Second World War, Nazism went in many different ways. From Speer's reformism to Oberländer's orthodoxy, National Socialism seemed to be split in different tendencies, all vying for power in the halls of the Reichstag. One tendency, however, stood out from the rest due to its main leader's vehemency: Joseph Goebbels' Stratocratic National Socialism.
First devised by Goebbels at the beginning of the fifties, and then championed by such people as Ferdinand Schörner following the propagandist's untimely demise, it differs from traditional Nazism by calling for a greater emphasis on the national military. It advocates for measures such as harsh racial and antisemitic policies and a strict maintenance of eugenicism, along with the glorification of the concept of war. Extremely hawkish even among their Nazi consorts, they desire to adopt a hardline stance against the other great powers, and believe that the Cold War shall be won thanks to Blood and Iron.
Germany.png Hermann Göring
Germany.png Herbert Otto Gille
New french state.png Christian de La Mazière
Flag of the Militärstaat Madagaskar.png Erhard Milch
Paraguay.PNG Mutshuito Villasboa
Technocratic Nazism subideology.png
Technocratic Nazism
It is the opinion of some more activist-minded members of the Nazi movement that the whole constellation of social and economic life should orbit the Party of National Socialism. The Party, they say, should pull these spheres closer until they crash together and accrete to form a society that is Party, people, and economy rolled into one. But others — the self-described pragmatists of National Socialism — work to center the role of the State instead.
Technocratic Nazis side with the State in the State-Party diarchy, although the degree to which the Party ought to be subordinated is a contentious topic. Some argue for a return to the "looser" system of the 1930s and others for the Party as a purely cultural institution. But all members of this National Socialist strain agree that the State and the Party must have clearly defined, separate roles, with the State on top and the Party kept controllable.
With the supreme power of the State in hand, the leading figures of Technocratic Nazism would be more or less free to calibrate life as they see fit. They would abandon Führerprinzip in favor of an oligarchic cabinet of ministers, reduce the power of the Gauleiters, and purge the bureaucracy of careerists, corruption, and bloated institutions. They would invest in education and science. They would pass economic reforms to smash corporate cartels. And most importantly, they would capture the machinery of government in the hands of an educated class of expert and dutiful National Socialists. After all, The Thousand-Year Reich needs men who can plan a thousand years ahead.
Schlesischer Industriebund flag.png Karl Hanke
Abteilung Ostafrika.png Gerhard Schrader
Reichskommissariat Madagaskar.png Emil Maurice
Stratocratic Corporatism subideology.png
Stratocratic Corporatism
Stratocratic Corporatism is not, in and of itself, fascist. However, it does draw inspiration from fascism's tenets. This inspiration can be seen in its organization of society into a totalitarian, corporatist structure, with the military firmly in charge. The rest of such a society is mobilized to support the military, and by extension the nation as a whole.
Stratocratic Corporatism can also take on other characteristics beyond its corporatist, totalitarian structure. Such governments frequently, although not necessarily, include elements of racial supremacy. This is not usually done through the pseudo-scientific exaltation of a master race, such as in Nazism. Instead, Stratocratic Corporatist societies usually stoke their racial supremacy through invoking a national spirit or mythology.
To such societies, peace is merely an interval in a never-ending chain of wars, and therefore the entirety of the nation's physical and moral resources must be forever poised for wartime mobilization. These governments frequently grapple with the issue of how to take independently minded masses and get them to look beyond their own issues and instead towards an abstract "destiny" of their nation. Compulsory membership in patriotic organizations, mobilizing marginal elements of society into the workforce, and the constant need for "token sacrifices" in the name of supporting their ever-growing military, nothing is beyond the reach of such regimes. Such nations can not lose, and the people hold faith in their governments that such statements shall remain true.
800px-Flag of Manchukuo.svg.png Katakura Tadashi
Flag frente azul.png José Luis de Arrese
Spartanism subideology.png
For some, National Socialism's success was forever enshrined by its triumph, and its failures were only due to specific misfortunes or political errors. They say that the Reich, for all its faults, is not in need of anything more than reform or rejuvenation. They would see the status quo continue in perpetuity, leaving Germany as, ultimately, just another empire.
For Reinhard Heydrich and his followers in the Deutsche-SS, that is not enough. It will never be enough.
While the Himmlerites delved into esotericism, and the Waffen-SS betrayed their cause for wealth and power, Heydrich and his devotees already had a vision of their own, far different from that of the corrupt NSDAP and degenerate liberals. It was one of a better, simpler, more pure society of the ancient past, where men were warriors, women were mothers, and all traces of profligacy and weakness were excised. No cities bubbling with filth; no "pragmatic" mercy for subhumans. In barracks-towns and country estates, the pure race drilled for war and worked the land, while their progeny was honed to perfection through purges and bloodshed. They were the Spartans, espoused in thrilling tones by Heydrich as the ancient manifestation of Aryan supremacy - and when the world revolves upon the axis of Germany, even history itself will bend to the Führer's will.
It falls to the true believers of National Socialism - the SS - to realize the promised land. Infused with the spirit of Sparta and forged anew upon the anvil of the Volksgemeinschaft, the Reich will be made eternal. Even if the blood must flow in rivers and overtake the sea; if countless millions must choke and die; if the foundations of utopia are laid upon the mass grave of all mankind; it will be worth it. One has not the luxury of counting the cost.
Germany.png Reinhard Heydrich
Freistaat Prußen.png Adolf Eichmann
Angriffgruppen steiner flag.png Felix Steiner
Arische Volksfront.png Konrad Henlein
Österreich.png Otto Skorzeny
Kampfgruppe.png Joachim Peiper
GrossAfricanState.PNG Hans Hüttig
Revolutionary Nazism subideology.png
Revolutionary Nazism
The actual progress of the National Socialist Revolution is a topic of debate within the Nazi movement. In private, loyal National Socialists often ask whether their ideology has gone far enough to reshape social relations. The typical answer is a stiff negative and a resolution to drive harder, to accept no compromise. The so-called revolutionary answer is to rage against the compromises even other Nazis make.
Revolutionary Nazism is a tendency within National Socialism that advocates for an uncompromised ideological vision. The NSDAP would become the mobilizing force of a mass revolutionary-reactionary movement that would break down class barriers and completely remake social and economic life. So-called conservative forces would be destroyed and replaced by the Party-state; market systems, the Church and non-Party army and civil service staff would disappear. Large private businesses would turn to vapor in pursuit of the corporatist ideal, rearticulated and nationalized. The state-controlled corporatist economy, the Ständestaat, would enclose the activities of small and medium businesses and their middle-class managers. Every aspect of social and economic life would orbit the party-state, the subject and object of the National Socialist Revolution.
Revolutionary Nazism largely died off after 1934. The Röhm purge and other developments consigned it to a seemingly permanent malaise, but Revolutionary Nazism lives on in a handful of fervent Gauleiters, SA men and DAF officials. Perhaps the tumult of the Cold War will give them a chance to once more command their totalitarian movement.
Rosenbergite Tendency subideology.png
Rosenbergite Tendency
Within all movements, great and small, there are those who find themselves in a struggle against orthodoxy. Some are great men, struggling against rising systems of evil, ardently defending rights and liberties. Others, like Alfred Rosenberg, fought only for their own petty politics. Yet even years later, when the trends are clear and the dust is settling, their ideas, policies, and conceptions persist.
The Rosenbergite Tendency is not an organized movement, but a disparate collection of characters who, to one end or another, see the ideas of Alfred Rosenberg as the ideal German policy towards the East. To Rosenberg, a Baltic German, the East was more than a land to settle, but a set of nations to uplift and purify, to use as a wedge that can fully destroy the Russian nation. Though the man himself is long forgotten in Germania, his policies retain weight in the east, where his vision of the Reichskommissariats has not yet fully dimmed.
Intellectuals and thinkers still heed Rosenberg's word, as a kind of pragmatic, humanitarian policy which might have prevented the maelstrom gripping the East. Yet make no mistake - its believers follow Hitler in every other aspect. They are as chained to the Reich and its violence as much as their colleagues. Rosenberg's word, no matter how sweet, is not an escape.
Ukraine.png Georg Leibbrandt
Naturalised National Socialism subideology.png
Naturalised National Socialism
National Socialism was born in Germany, forged by German racial identity and German conditions. A problem arose once that incredibly German ideology expanded and spread to cover most of Europe. Collaborators within Eastern European nations subjected to German colonialism struggled to reconcile their own identities with an ideology designed to subjugate them beneath the German jackboot. From that contradiction, Naturalized National Socialism was born.
Naturalized National Socialism is not a truly codified ideology, and is often applied in a highly personalized, almost ad-hoc, manner within Eastern Europe. It is an ideology born from conditions forcing a bastardization of National Socialist tenets deemed incompatible, and lacks the formalization of the ideologies found in more established regimes. The core characteristic that separates the ideology from the standard in Germania is the supremacy of its practitioners' own national and cultural characteristics separate from Nazi colonialism.
Naturalized National Socialism frequently possesses significant differences from the tenets that Germania attempts to enforce within its empire. Sometimes this is due to the practitioner basing their ideologies on a completely separate ideology buried beneath a National Socialist coat of paint. Other times, it is simply the result of the practitioner siding with their own nation's characteristics too frequently to be ignored, even if they genuinely seek to imitate Germania. It remains to be seen if these contradictory regimes will prove as resilient as the Thousand Year Reich.
Belarus.png Michał Vituška
Ukrainian National Republic.png Peter Kozhevnikov
Ukrainian National State.png Yaroslav Stetsko
Samara flag.png Mikhail Oktan
TNO Flag Turkestan Legion.png Veli Kayyum Han*
Ariocriollismo subideology.png
In 1953, Chairman Alfonso Uribe Misas of the Nationalist Action Party penned his ideas and postulations into a grand manifesto: the manifesto of Ariocriollismo. It declared that Colombia's Criollos, men and women of European or mestizo ancestry, were the master race of not only Colombia, but all of the Americas, on equal footing with the Aryan race in Germany. Enraptured by the success of the European Aryan in the Second World War, those who follow Ariocriollismo have proclaimed their undying Ioyalty to Germany, and seek to emulate their success in Colombia, the land of the Criollos.
The Ariocriollismo doctrine states that in order to awaken the Aryan residing within every Criollo, they must follow a strict path of discipline, enlightenment, and virtue, the axes of the ideology and the road to realizing their innate superiority. These virtues, which lead to the Aryan awakening, involve Criollos recognizing their superior European heritage and adopting the methods of the first-emancipated nation, Germany.
While Colombia and its people may not be of a singular race or color, the concept of Criollo extends far beyond such constricting categories. Any white or mestizo Colombian can arise from their slumber and claim the mantle of Ariocriollo. However, for races such as the Afro-Colombian and the Indigenous, it is impossible for them to unlock the Aryan potential of a Criollo. The best they can aspire to do is to willingly assimilate themselves into Ariocriollo culture and traditions, thereby earning them the prefix of 'Virtuous' before their race. The only other option is to be enslaved. And for the so-called 'Enemy Races' residing within Colombia? Their only options are escape or extermination, for the vile Judaeans and foreigners are impediments to the Ariocriollo dream and Colombia's future.
Free State of Colombia.png Alfonso Uribe Misas
Free State of Colombia.png Diógenes Gil
Free State of Colombia.png José Camacho Carreño
Esoteric Nazism ideology.png
Esoteric Nazism
Even before it became a continent-conquering force, National Socialism was far from a homogeneous movement defined by an orthodox line. From the highest echelons of power to the very bottom of the Party bureaucracy, commitment to state-espoused ideals was varied, especially at the individual level. Indeed, a skeptic might assess National Socialism as little more than an ill-brewed melange of cynical politics and the worst aspects of the German national character. In this view, the triumph of Nazism is little more than proof of a world run mad.
How narrow-minded. How foolish. How unenlightened.
Certain privileged souls have found in the tenets of National Socialism an ethos to surpass all others - one which utterly annihilates existing truths and norms, thereby revealing the true path to utopia. For these true believers who have had the scales lifted from their eyes, nothing else matters anymore. Materialism, rationalism, morality - all revealed as transient illusions of a degenerate world ruled by sinister forces. Subhumans, and even many Aryans, are blind to this newly illuminated reality, but so long as the light of truth burns within a single uncorrupted heart, hope for the pure race endures. Let National Socialism unfurl its wings in glory, and follow it to whatever end, for it is the way, the light, and the truth. The means and the words matter not - only utopia.
Aryan Brotherhood flag.png Alexey Dobrovolsky*
Hyperborea4.png Valery Yemelyanov
Aryan Brotherhood flag.png Evgeny Golovin
Flag of Argentina.png José López Rega
Burgundian System subideology.png
Burgundian System
When Germany's luck began running out after the Second World War, certain fanatical and unorthodox members of the Nazi Party - chief among them Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler - sought to reconcile their belief in the superiority of National Socialism with the increasingly bleak reality unfolding before them. They eventually arrived at the conclusion that the Nazi Party had lost sight of itself and collapsed into decadence, and that only they were fit to preserve National Socialism as truly intended. They quietly isolated themselves from the Third Reich's political structures, secretly building their own systems in parallel. When Himmler was made head of the SS-Ordensstaat Burgundy, he began implementing this purified vision of Nazism unimpeded.
Much like how many of the Reich's ideological goals revolve around Hitler's increasingly erratic statements, the tenets of the Burgundian System are rather ill-defined. The only way one could attempt to understand it is to analyze Himmler's increasingly inscrutable actions and cryptic beliefs, which range from vague and seemingly contradictory ideals of agrarianism and hyper-industrialization, to the establishment of a Germanic neopagan state religion and exploration of the occult. What is absolutely certain, though, is that his regime implements Nazi policies to a unique extreme: the SS is exalted above all other social strata, draconian racial hygiene laws are harshly enforced, and National Socialist theory is deliberately incorporated into every aspect of waking life. It also imposes an incomparable degree of totalitarianism upon the entire population, in hopes of removing all potential sources of decadence or complacency. Whether this has succeeded at all - or will do so in the future - is known only to Reichsführer Himmler, for while secrets flow like a river into the Ordensstaat, they are never permitted to leave.
Burgundy.png Heinrich Himmler*
SS-Staat Niederlande.png Henk Feldmeijer
Liebstandarte Heinrich Himmler.png Wilhelm Mohnke
SS-Arbeitslager Nürnberg.png Ernst Kaltenbrunner
Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS.png Klaus Barbie
Kommandostab Waffen-SS.png Paul Hausser
SS State of Lotharingia.png Theodor Eicke
SS-Oberabschnitt Westfalen flag.png Fritz Klingenberg
SS Kampfgruppen Flag.png Hermann Fegelein
Imperial Cult subideology.png
Imperial Cult
On the night of 17 July 1918, Bolshevik revolutionaries executed the Romanov imperial family in a cellar beneath Yekaterinburg. Their deaths ought to have marked the end of the story of House Romanov. Instead, Russia remained haunted by them. Through revolution, war, and dissolution, rumors spread that one of Nicholas's children had survived. As the country shattered, some came to believe that the Romanov children remained in hiding and would return, one day, to restore Russia to greatness. These delusions came to coalesce around one man, Sergey Taboritsky, and his imperial cult of Alexei.
A shambling corpse of a movement held together by fear, imperial nostalgia, and virulent antisemitism, the imperial cult's sole goal is to hasten Alexei's return to Russia. To this end, supporters believe in mobilizing all resources of the state toward purification, hoping for their savior's return once the Russian people have proved themselves "worthy" of him. Advocates support the systematic extermination of Russia's minorities, enforced poverty of the mass public, and the construction of grand, imperial monuments. Their system of mass surveillance and extreme punishment is directly inspired by the purified realms of the Reichskommissariat Kaukasien and its leader Josias, a man Taboritsky openly admires.
Yet, the movement's sustainability is unclear. Every day that their savior fails to return, the cult grows more desperate. Soon, observers fear, there may not be a Russia for Alexei to return to.
HRE.png Sergey Taboritsky
HRE.png Viktor Larionov
Flag Ural Purification Zone.png Yuri Evtukhovich
Regency of Holy Russia.png Andrey Dikiy
Deep Ecology Nazism subideology.png
Deep Ecology Nazism
The dove is white; nature is as it should be. Nature is not kind or accepting — it simply *is*. Nature is disciplined and thrifty, although in its own way peaceful, and no single human race inhabits it, just diffuse clades of human beings. Nothing is universal; everything first takes root in a place all its own. Ecology is the science of natural divisions. Ecology is the science of nations. Ecology is the science of the Fatherland.
Deep Ecology Nazism is a strain of National Socialism born from the excesses of industrial warfare. Its first adherents witnessed the massacre of Aryan men in wars of aggression. They saw mercury seep into the soil and watched tanks press soldiers into the earth until man and mud mixed. War polluted the Aryan man and his living space. Deep Ecology Nazism offers a vision of a peaceful land where Aryans sing of overgrown tillage and high mountains which, like ribs of stone, remind the Volk of their oneness with the Fatherland. It is an ideology that attempts to offer a way to sustainably connect with the land as the Aryans' ancestors did, and its adherents solemnly pledge to defend that land with the tools of the Industrial Revolution if necessary.
The right state of nature is the absence of the foreign; the Aryan's land is his alone. There is no slavery in the Aryan's land because no subhumans still dwell there, as the natural order culled them long ago. There is no war in the Aryan's land because the Aryan already has his living space, his rightful land, the land of his forefathers. There is harmony and freedom in the Aryan land. There is oneness with nature and nation in the Aryan land. There is hope and optimism once more in the Aryan land.
Antarctic Administration subideology.png

Antarctic Administration (Esoteric Nazi) subideology.png
Antarctic Administration
Ever since the scramble for Antarctica began in the 1950s, the continent has been divided by several competing territorial administrations. What started as a border dispute between the Chilean and Argentinean regimes morphed into an international incident requiring the mediation of the Organization of Free Nations. Not to be outpaced by the forces of liberty, National Socialism reared its head in the form of Nazi-controlled Neuschwabenland, attempting to enforce a policy of colonization by the pure, Polar, Aryan race. Finally, the Japanese arrived, ignoring all pretense of legitimate claims, seizing their slice of Antarctica through force of arms.
While each administration adheres to its specific ideological convictions, the harsh realities of life in the Great White Nothing, and lack of a notable civilian populace, has induced a measure of conformity amongst the regimes. All operate under some form of military governance, be they in direct control, in the case of Japan, or working alongside civilian partners, as with the OAA.
Under these hierarchies, many thousands of personnel labor in the bitter cold and biting winds, trying to justify their presence on "the Exiled Continent". Each power attempts to wrest some modicum of value from their slice of ice, however many observers have named this struggle the ultimate in sunk cost fallacy. None of the powers can back down while the others remain, regardless of their losses in money, material, or men. It would take a colossal shift in fortunes to make the Antarctic ventures profitable...
Translated as "Ancestral Heritage", the organization known as the Ahnenerbe has been tasked since 1935 with finding archaeological evidence for the biological primacy of the Aryan race. Formed by the order of the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, this eclectic group of archaeologists, theoreticians, and Nazi ideologues have spent the last three decades scouring the globe and its cultures for concrete proof of Aryan Racial Theory. From the Reichskommissariats of the Lebensraum to the jungles of Latin America, agents of the Ahnenerbe have excavated, bought, or stolen artifacts of every kind, with a particular focus on human remains.
Their mandate means they are literally willing to go to the ends of the Earth in search of their proof. Projects as wide ranging as they are bizarre, such as the Hollow Earth Theory or the Quest for the Irminsul, have dominated the minds of the Ahnenerbe leadership. Reichsgeschäftsführer Wolfram Sievers, under the explicit orders of Himmler, has been dispatched to Antarctica to find proof of World Ice Theory, that is, proof that the world and all its contents stem from a glacial formation that surrounds our observable universe. Scientists everywhere have derided the insane theories and criminal work of the Ahnenerbe, much of which is blatant fabrication and outright lies. To the National Socialist cause, however, these theories form the bedrock of their denial of reality. Under normal conditions, this group is an eccentric, extreme lot. God only knows what the pressures of Antarctica will do to their psyches.
Neuschwabenland.png Rudolf Mayr*
Neuschwabenland.png Konstanty Gutschow
Neuschwabenland.png Viktor Lutze
Neuschwabenland.png Erich Schumann
Ahnenerbe Antarktis Gruppe.png Wolfram Sievers*
Others/Unknown Flag of Great Britain.png Colin Jordan


  • Upon game release, Esoteric Nazism and its associated ideologies (Burgundian System, Imperial Cult, etc.) were originally a single ideology referred to as the Burgundian System. Eventually, the Burgundian System was renamed to Esoteric Nazism in Toolbox Theory, turning it from what amounted to merely a fanatical, SS-centric style of Nazi governance to a coherent ideological grouping. Another reason is that making Esoteric Nazism separate from Nazism was seen by some as feeding into the myth that the SS was worse than other Nazis. Esoteric Nazism could then be used for far-right esotericists who are comparatively milder than normal Nazis or have no ties to the SS, and additional subideologies could be created for other esoteric leaders like Sergey Taboritsky and the Imperial Cult. In these iterations, Esoteric Nazism and the Burgundian System were represented by purple on the pie chart. As of The Ruin, the entire Esoteric Nazism ideology was merged with National Socialism.
  • Spartanism had two scrapped subideologies of Esoteric Nazism (while it still existed) folded into it: Ultra-Spartanism and Ethno-Spartanism, used only by Hans Hüttig and Friedrich Jeckeln respectively.