Niccolò Giani

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Giani can become Duce of Italy if Ciano is unable to outmaneuver his opponents (which would result in him being couped by Umberto II and Italy becoming a Democracy) and the Verona Congress does not collapse due to infighting (which would result in Communism rising in Italy), and he is able to come out on top. Giani's regime will have him attempt to convert all of Italy to Fascism, as he believes it is not just a means to an end, but rather, a way of life that one should aspire towards.

According to the developers, Italy under Giani is the worst possible outcome of Italy staying Fascist - they state that the other 3 duces (Italo Balbo, Ettore Muti, and Alessandro Pavolini) may take certain things away (your freedom, your traditions, and your life, respectively), implying that if played in certain ways, they won't take them, but Giani will take away your soul.