Nikolai Andreev

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Nikolai Trofimovich Andreev (Николай Трофимович Андреев; born 21st November 1905 in Moscow) is the current ruler of Krasnoyarsk.


Born to a family of a cabman in 1905, Andreev used to work as a messenger, blacksmith's apprentice and printer before being called up from the reserves to rejoin the Red Army in 1935. He tried to get to the front after World War II started, but was instead enrolled in officers' school. Later, he began to see the war against Germany as a lost cause as the war became more and more desperate, thus he stayed in the officers' school until the Soviet Union collapsed. Then, he and a clique of fellow officer's school graduates began to consolidate their power in Krasnoyarsk.

The government of the subsequent Central Siberian Republic feared that those pre-existing groups would threat the democratic institution, so they broke up Andreev's clique. Andreev was then assigned to Nikolay Krylov.

The Central Siberian Republic broke up soon after, and the members of the clique finally reunited in Krasnoyarsk. Meanwhile, General Krylov started a campaign against Siberian Black Army, therefore, an opportunity rose up for Andreev, and he seized it: A mutiny, which eventually ended Krylov's campaign, was staged by Andreev, he then obtained full control of Krasnoyarsk, and built up a Military Guided Democracy, in which he was the president.

Considering that the clique might not be trusted by the people, Andreev promises all manner of reforms to them.