Nikolai Voznesensky

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Nikolai Voznesensky (born 1st December 1903) is a Russian politician. Formerly head of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic under the West Russian Revolutionary Front, he has founded and now leads the People's Democratic Socialist Party, the ruling party of the bourgeois democratic Komi Republic. He is a man surrounded by scandals, due to his abrasive and inappropriate behavior and connections with socialist groups.



Nikolai Voznesesnky was born in the village of Teploe, Chernsk district, Tula province, in the family of an employee of a forestry office. His father by the name of Alexey Dmitrievich, was a junior clerk at a timber merchant, who married his mother Lyubov Georgievna, whilst his elder brother was the famous Soviet economist Alexander Voznesensky.

World War II

Voznesensky as one of the Soviet officials were tasked of to defending the Soviet Union against the Germanic juggernaut during World War II, however, due to Nikolai Bukharin's disastrous economic policies, the USSR was unable to defend efficiently against the onslaught of German troops. Witnessing this, his faith in orthodox Marxism-Leninism began to weaken, but it would take many more years until it would reach breaking point, which culminated during the West Russian War.

West Russian War

During the West Russian War, he was still following Marxism-Leninism, but all of this would change as he would see the West Russian Revolutionary Front deteriorate and lose territories. This was his breaking point, as he soon realized that the dogmatic nature of the Front and USSR as a whole was one of the key causes for loses in both wars, and as such, despite the orders of the Front's high command, he seized the area of Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Komi in Syktyvkar, declaring a multi-party democratic regime, with his new founded People's Democratic Socialist Party in charge of the new state. However, Komi was soon declared as a safe haven for almost all political ideologies, which caused massive instability within the new formed state.


Surrounded by both external and internal enemies, Voznesensky's odds of securing power are weak, but not impossible. With connections he has to Andrei Zhdanov, he can turn the tide of the game to his own merit.


Players who choose to play as him will find themselves in a unfavorable position. Surrounded by both communists and numerous right-wing regimes, it would be pretty difficult to play democratic Komi as Voznesensky.

In the months leading up to election day, Voznesensky must secure his party and the Komi center against competing rivals from within the center, the left and the right. He has three choices; secure his base, target figures from the left such as Suslov or target figures from the right such as Gumilyov. Once Voznesensky deals with his political opposition during the elections, he will focus his eyes on removing radicalism and instituting his socialist reforms.

However, player should be careful when playing as Voznesensky during the warlord stage, as his fates are numerous in number, which can range from getting overthrown by communists or fascists, subsequently getting killed/exiled/imprisoned.

If Komi reunifies the western half of Russia, Voznesensky will retire and is succeeded as leader of the DSNP by Alexander Yakovlev, who upon defeat of the WRRF would rise to political prominence in Komi at the regional stage.