People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs

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The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (Russian: Наро́дный комиссариа́т вну́тренних дел/Naródnyy Komissariát Vnútrennikh Del) usually referred to as the NKVD, was the interior ministry of the Soviet Union. The NKVD, being their main security apparatus of the Soviet state, undertook several tasks related to security and stability of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and government.

During the times of Nikolai Bukharin's rule, the NKVD was directed by Genrikh Yagoda. After the disastrous defeat of Russia and the collapse of the Soviet administration, most of the NKVD and parts of the Politburo were evacuated under orders of Yagoda to the Russian Far East, creating Irkutsk.

Today, the former interior ministry is spread out across several warlord states in Russia.