Permesta Military Council

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The Permesta Military Council is a component of the Government of Free Indonesia that will take control of Sulawesi and the western half of New Guinea during the Indonesian Civil War. As it is required to cross several long ocean crossings in order to capitulate them, the Permesta Military Council is typically the last breakaway in the civil war to be capitulated.


As in real life, the Permesta Military Council is aligned with the Government of Free Indonesia. This is because of their shared interests in deposing the current government. The Permesta movement, for which the country derives its name, comes from a contraction of Perjuangan Semesta, Indonesian for "Universal Struggle Charter".

The Permesta Council believes that the centralized unitary government of the Indonesian is harming local economies and development on islands outside of Java, and advocate for federalization (or some other varying level of decentralization) to more equally distribute the power to develop and better local economies.

Their limited troop numbers are compensated for by their ability to defend the few crossings between islands in Indonesia, potentially stalemating the civil war for the entire rest of the game unless the AI somehow fails to realize this potential.


  • The Permesta Military Council is based on the real Permesta movement from 1957 to 1961 which fought the Indonesian government alongside the PRRI during the transition to and at the start of Sukharno's "Guided Democracy".