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Koesno Sosrodihardjo (known as Sukharno, or Soekharno in Dutch spelling) is the President of Indonesia. He has held this office since the independence of the country from the Dutch, which he championed.

Despite Indonesia's membership in the Co-Prosperity Sphere, Sukharno has made a career out of defying the Japanese, which has made him popular among the people of Indonesia and rather unpopular with the Japanese.

In-Game Description

The father of the Indonesian nation, and the leader in its struggle for Independence: all this, and more, can be used to characterize Sukarno, the President of the Indonesian Republic. While the reality, as often, is slightly more complicated, such a description is however not that far from the truth.

While dealings with the Japanese were needed to safeguard the young nation's independence, a quick glance at it today will show that the benefits have far outweighed the costs: Sukarno stands as the President of a proud and rapidly-rising nation, who could in a few years rival the world's largest powers in terms of economic might, a task as daring as it seems daunting.

Years have passed, however, and the Equatorial Emerald's President faces rumblings of discontent. Centralization from Java, its most prosperous island, is not unanimously popular, and the Indonesian army becomes more and more of a breeding ground for polarization and radicalism. Sukarno is not afraid in the least, for he knows the masses' respect and adoration towards him.

With the mandate of its people, and the strength of its President, Indonesia shall soar to new heights, and never again shall it be enslaved.

In-Game Description (Civil War)

Stuck in Djakarta, surrounded by loyalists and sycophants, for they are all he has left, and with the country at the mercy of the fires of war: such a situation is undoubtedly not what Sukarno would have wanted, but it is nonetheless the one he's in. One positive, however, is that the cruel conflict Indonesia found itself in allowed the President to discover where his erstwhile allies' loyalties really lied.

Mohammed Hatta, whom he once considered a friend, proved himself to be nothing more than a puppet of various power-hungry generals. Whatever his reasons for that may be, however, it was too late to turn back: that cosmopolitan turncoat had finally shown his real colors, and his last days would be spent in a prison cell, never to see the highs to which the nation he betrayed would soar. At least, that's the mantra the President plays to himself over and over again, to put the broken memories to sleep if only for a moment.

As the situation looks more dire than ever, however, many, even among the President's closest advisors, wonder if his wide-reaching ambitions are still within grasp. Some would leave it to time to tell; Sukarno, however, knows that such pleasantries are meaningless, for only Indonesia shall recognize its leader.

Indonesian Civil War

In 1965, following a slow series of escalations, the peace in Indonesia will be broken with a civil war against the PRIM and Permesta movements under the government of Free Indonesia. Regardless of the outcome of the war, Sukarno will find himself removed from power. He will be removed if Free Indonesia, led by Hatta, wins, but he can find himself removed in a coup by Suharto if the civil war goes for too long.

In-Game Description (Post-Civil War)

Disloyalty has been cast to the dustbin of history, and both cosmopolitan and military turncoats have found their rightful place at the bottom of unmarked graves. War has been chased off the coasts, and the Equatorial Emerald shines again. Sukarno has won, and so has Indonesia.

The question of the costs at which such a triumph was achieved shall be left to the historians, for the President's ambitions have waited long enough. Traitors shall be punished, and centralization shall be imposed, for petty regionalism has caused enough suffering. Indonesia shall attain its rightful place on the world stage, for the so-called "great" powers have toyed with it long enough. To put it simply, compromise has shown its limits, and its biggest proponents have been outed as the traitors they were.

The President, now more popular than ever with the masses with his fearlessness, has shown that there is nothing that can stop the unyielding force of Indonesian sovereignty. For Bung Karno has shown his spirit - his Gelora - one to light up the nation forevermore.