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Vyatka, officially the Vyatka Governorate, is a Russian warlord state led by Head of the House of Romanov Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich (styled Tsar Vladimir III). Vladimir collaborated with Germany during World War II, and would with German permission form a Russian contingent and successfully pushed into West Russian Revolutionary Front territory during the West Russian War, forming his new state in the city of Vyatka, on the banks of the river of the same name.

Among the three warlords advocating for a restoration of the Russian monarchy, Vyatka is the only one headed by a legitimate heir of the House of Romanov, lending it a great amount of legitimacy and connections with monarchist white émigrés across the world. This provides a good source of foreign funds and helping expand a network of suppliers for the Principality.


National spirits

Luftwaffe Terror Bombing

Russian Terror Bombing.png

  • Monthly Population: -5.0%
  • Construction Speed: -40.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Production Efficiency growth: -7.00%
  • Free repair: -70.00%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +7.0%
Every several weeks, Luftwaffe planes from the airfields of Reichskommissariat Moskowien fly over the warlord states of western Russia, gleefully bombing any civilian targets they find as a demented form of "pilot training". While they make life hell for rural communities and can occasionally slip through and rain fire upon provincial cities, they find that lingering for too long in Russian airspace risks interception by the remnants of the Soviet Air Forces. If the Free Aviators were not there to give the Luftwaffe hell at every opportunity, the situation in Russia would be far more dire.
Unrepentant Reaction

Idea KIR Unrepentant Reaction.png

  • Divisions Recovery Rate: +7.5%
  • Stability.pngStability: +10.00%
  • Factory Output: -5.00%

For years, the people of Russia have suffered under the cruel burden of Socialism, crushed beneath the weight of tyrant after tyrant, and through it all, they were tricked into believing their cruel masters had their best interests at heart. The Emperor has seen this, and he has decreed No More. Communism has brought the once-glorious Empire to its knees, but we will rise again to destroy it once and for all.

The Emperor and Himself

Idea KIR The Tsar and Himself.png

  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +0.25
  • War Support: +10.00%

The Emperor knows the value of the old ways of the Empire, and rules with absolute power. Of late, however, more democratic, liberal ideas have begun to take hold in the hearts of his people. While his closest advisors bid him to do whatever he desires, the Emperor knows that he stands on a knife's edge between the love of his people and the same frustration that nearly doomed the Empire. He must thus make his choice: To rule as his ancestors did, alone and absolute, or to give the people their own say in government.

Military Infighting

Idea KIR Officer Infighting.png

  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.30
  • Division training time: +3.5%
  • Division Organization: -20.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
  • Division Defense on core territory: -10.0%
  • Planning Speed: -15.0%

The White Army - and its remnants - has never exactly been a unified front. While it is true that they all share hatred for the Bolsheviks that stole Russia from them, the question of how exactly the reborn Empire should be governed is a diverse one that threatens to shatter the unity of our armies; while some petition for a democracy, others favor autocracy, and some small clique talk of replicating the regimes of Germany and Italy.

The Emperor alone keeps them in line, and even then the army's performance suffers as commanders disobey orders, engage in petty schemes, and plot against one another. It is clear that if we are ever to rebuild what was once lost, our army must stand united.

The Izhevsk Mechanical Plant

Idea KIR The Izhevsk Arsenal.png

  • Production Efficiency Cap: +10.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%

Infantry Equipment:

  • Production Coast: -10.00%
  • Reliability: +5%

Support Equipment:

  • Production Coast: -5.00%
  • Reliability: +5%

Towed Artillery:

  • Production Coast: -5.00%
  • Reliability: +20%

Izhevsk has a long and proud history of bring the center of gun production for the needs of the Motherland. Tracing its history back to 1807, when it was founded by the orders of Emperor Alexander I, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant had become the main firearm manufacturer for the Red Army during the war years producing millions and millions of rifles of every kind. The enterprise was reorganized and reconstructed by prosperous gunsmith Mikhail Kalashnikov for the West Russian Revolutionary Front during it revanché against Germany, but the advance of the Tsarist cohort under Emperor Vladimir III forced the factory personnel to flee to Siberia, leaving the mechanical plant at the disposal of the Imperial Crown.

Despite the damage it endured through the year of constant conflicts of West Russia, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant remains one of the biggest arms manufacturing facilities in the Russian lands and provides superiority in firearms to any petty king in Russia who owns it.


Cabinet member Role Ideology Trait(s) and effects
Vladimir III Head of state Despotism group.pngDespotism The Rightful Heir:
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.10
  • Stability: +5.00%
Vladimir Kharzhevsky Head of government Despotism group.pngDespotism No Traits
Roman Gul Foreign minister Liberal Democracy ideology.pngLiberalism Seasoned Ambassador:
  • Stability.pngStability: +5.00%
  • Improved Relations Opinion: +10.00%
  • Trade Deal Opinion Factor: +10.00%
Gleb Rar Economy minister Authoritarian democrat group.pngPaternalism Balanced Budget Economy:
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.10
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -5%
  • Construction Speed: +7.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +7.00%
Evgeny Messner Security minister Despotism group.pngDespotism Army Instructor:
  • Army Experience Gain: +5.0%
  • Military Leader Cost: -20.0%
  • Training Time: -5.00%

Political parties

Four political parties dominate Vyatkan politics, each having its own vision for the future of Russia and the Empire.

Russian All-Military Union

Formed by White Army General Pyotr Wrangel in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, along with the many veterans of the Russian White movement, the Russian All-Military Union acts less of an actual political party, and more as a united front by the forces within the Principality to maintain stability in divided Russia, until a time comes for elections to truly decide the future of the Empire.

Constitutional Democratic Party

Formed by Liberal politician Roman Gul, along with more liberally minded collaborators in the Vyatkan Imperial Army, the Constitutional Democratic Party is known for pushing forward the ideals of a constitutional monarchy, with granting greater rights and freedoms to the peoples of the empire. The party itself is the most democratically minded and clashes the most with the autocratic institutions.

National Alliance of Russian Solidarists

Formed in exile by young white émigrés, the National Alliance of Russian Solidarists was in response to what many saw as stagnation of the older émigrés, failing to properly combat communism and understanding why the people backed the revolution over the Tsar. The party would find itself a gate to Russia with Vladimir III, with many joining his army and establishing the party in Russia. The party is currently led by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, born in the days following the fall of the Tsar and a figure for those who founded the party.

All-Russian National Union

Founded by Vasily Shulgin, the All-Russian National Union was formed as a balance between the dangerously needed reform advocated by the liberals, the ideals of united and powerful Russia, along with keeping more of its old traditions enshrined in the Empire and maintaining the powers of the monarch. The party is often seen as a moderate option between the liberals of the CDP and the Solidarists.


Formed during the West Russian War, the Imperial Military was originally comprised of Russian collaborators, who served under Vladimir during his collaboration with the Germans at the climax of the West Russian War, and would form his state deep in western Russia.

Imperial Army

While a decent size by the standards of other Russian warlords, possessing a strong military-industrial complex, primarily due to the possession of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, the army suffers heavily from infighting between its officers, leading as far as assassinations between rival internal cliques. The army is also looked upon with suspicion by the people of Russia, many mistrusting them and the Principality as a whole due to its status as former German collaborators. Many villages in Vyatkan territory are even unaware of the army and the Tsar, crippling both internal security and the manpower pool.


Name Type Level Attack Defense Planning Logistics Traits Notes
Boris Smyslovsky.png
Boris Smyslovsky
Field Marshal 3 2 2 4 2
Nikolay Fyodorov Field Marshal 3 3 2 2 3
Grigory Lamsdorf General 2 1 2 2 2
Nikolay Rutchenko General 2 1 2 1 3
Adrian Lyubishchev.png
Adrian Lyubishchev
General 3 3 3 2 2
Mikhail Levitov.png
Mikhail Levitov
General 3 2 4 2 2
Konstantin Cherkasov General 2 3 1 1 2
Vladimir Vygran.png
Vladimir Vygran
General 2 2 1 2 2
Boris Linnansalo.png
Boris Lyubishchev
General 3 3 2 3 2
Igor Sakharov.png
Igor Sakharov
General 3 2 2 3 3
Vladimir Granitov General 3 3 2 3 2


Quote upon Reunification:

Liberal Path :"A monarchy conducted with infinite wisdom and infinite benevolence is the most perfect of all possible governments" -Ezra Stiles

Conservative path: "The Right of nature...is the liberty each man hath to use his own power, as he will himself for the preservation of his own nature; that is to say, of his own life" -Thomas Hobbes

Authoritarian Path: "So far as he is able, a prince should stick to the path of good but, if neccecity arises, he should know how to follow evil" -Niccolo Machiavelli


Flag Country Name Ideologies Notes
Vyatka Governorate Aristocratic Conservatism subideology.pngAristocratic Conservatism
Sovereignty of Western Russia flag.png
Sovereignty of Western Russia Christian Conservatism subideology.pngChristian Conservatism
Liberal Democracy ideology.pngLiberalism
Solidarism subideology.pngSolidarism
Regional unification
Empire of Russia Vyatka flag.png
Russian Empire National unification
Principality of Vyatka Paternalistic Conservatism subideology.pngPaternalistic Conservatism Onega client state