Roman Rozdolskyi

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Roman Rozdolskyi (born July 19, 1898) is a Ukrainian communist politician. He serves as People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic after the communists rise up in the Ukrainian Civil War.

In-Game Biography

Originally from Austrian Galicia, Roman Osypovych Rozdolskyi gives a different perspective than many of his East Ukrainian comrades. Born in Lviv just before the turn of the century, his commitment to Marxism is almost as old as his family's struggle for Ukrainian independence. Drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Army, Rozdolskyi was forced into a war between capitalists. When his subjugator fell, he would soon find his way into the revolutionary Red Army to fight for a more noble cause.

Rozdolskyi's careful scholarship of Marx's work and study across Europe has won him significant connections and acclaim from the communist movement internationally - An attribute recognized by the party, which granted him a substantial say over the new Soviet Republic's foreign affairs. Rozdolskyi must be able to leverage and pull these connections if the emancipatory promise of the Ukrainian revolution is to survive immediate German reprisal.