Svetlana Stalina

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Svetlana Iosifovna Stalina (born 28 February 1926) is a Russian politician who founded and currently leads the Sovereign Democratic Party in Komi. Unlike her father Joseph Stalin, she is a strong supporter of capitalist democracy and is against the leftist and rightist radicals in Komi. However, despite her claims of being a strong supporter of democracy, her aims are less than democratic, which has earned her strong backlash from rival parties. Stalina discredits her opponents by stating that only a bold, strong leader can build Komi to be a strong and prosperous state.


By game start, Stalina's PSD is part of the centrist coalition alongside the People's Democratic Socialist Party (of which she used to be a member) and the Union of Young Reformers. Nikolai Voznesensky approaches Stalina to consult with her about the radical left and right factions in Komi. Despite Stalina splitting from Voznesensky's party, her desire to target the center's enemies makes her a valuable asset. The way she targets the center's enemies, is through the use of allied paramilitaries. Yet, she calls for more stronger measures by Komi's government, such as arrests without warrant. Such methods are highly controversial, yet her "law and order" mentality strongly appeals to much of the Komi voting base.

Stalina can either come into power by being elected (in which case she rules over a big tent government and maintains Komi's bourgeois democracy) or through a coup against an elected non-centrist president (after which she ends democracy, proclaims the formation of the extremist centrist Russian Reconstruction Government, and gives herself emergency powers to crush the left and right).

Quote upon unification

"When you have once gained sight, it is impossible to feign blindness."

—Svetlana Stalina