Trofim Lysenko

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Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (born 29th September 1898) is a Russian scientist and the leader of Magnitogorsk.


Early Life

Trofim Lysenko began his career studying agriculture and developed several theories on growing crops, some of which are seen as pseudoscience.

World War II and aftermath

Lysenko continued his research right up to the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Following the collapse, he disappeared for almost two decades before resurfacing and taking over the city of Magnitogorsk along with a group of former NKVD soldiers. It is believed that Lysenko has begun applying his theories on plants to humans, using torture on the inhabitants of the surrounding towns to make them into super-soldiers to destroy Germany.


Lysenko starts in control of Magnitogorsk, with the majority of his work dedicated to advancing science. He notably has a mechanic dedicated to keeping his insanity in check, as well as keeping the loyalty of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs in check. If either of these bottom out, he will be overthrown.

One possible ending for him is Lazar Kaganovich offering to recruit him, largely because of their shared beliefs on Lamarkism and Darwinism. As Lysenko actually has little interest in running a country (he only really ran Magnitogorsk in order to have human test subjects), he eagerly accepts to secure funding for his research.