Ural League/Situation

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National spirits

Luftwaffe Terror Bombing

Russian Terror Bombing.png

  • Monthly Population: -5.0%
  • Construction Speed: -40.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Production Efficiency growth: -7.00%
  • Free repair: -70.00%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +7.0%
Every several weeks, Luftwaffe planes from the airfields of Reichskommissariat Moskowien fly over the warlord states of western Russia, gleefully bombing any civilian targets they find as a demented form of "pilot training". While they make life hell for rural communities and can occasionally slip through and rain fire upon provincial cities, they find that lingering for too long in Russian airspace risks interception by the remnants of the Soviet Air Forces. If the Free Aviators were not there to give the Luftwaffe hell at every opportunity, the situation in Russia would be far more dire.
Refugee Crisis

Refugee crisis.png

  • Monthly Population: +5.0%
  • Stability.pngStability: -10.00%
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -10.00%
Refugees from the East and South flood the mountains, taking the high passes to either find shelter in the League or find a way to escape to the Communes in the west. Bodies choke the passes, and the Guards struggle to guide as many as they can to safety.
Children of Vorkuta

URL children of vorkuta.png

  • Division Organization: +2.5
  • Division Recovery Rate: +25.0%
  • Training time: +25.00
  • Recruitable Population: -1.50%
We are survivors, all of us. Whether we became survivors from the deepest, darkest cells of Vorkuta or the long march South or from our mission to defend the helpless from those who would do them harm, the citizens of the Ural League are unwavering, and we shall stand against any who dare terrorize us or our neighbors.
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: 10%
Hidden Spirit


Cabinet member Role Ideology Trait(s) and effects
Janis Mendriks Head of state Authoritarian Democracy No Traits
Vasily Zaytsev Head of government Authoritarian Democracy Naive Optimist:
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.05
  • Civilian factories.pngCivilian Factory Construction Speed: +15.00%
  • Military factories.pngMilitary Factory Construction Speed: -15.00%
Valentin Sokolov Foreign minister Authoritarian Democracy The Cloak-n-Dagger Schemer:
  • AI Modifier: Call Ally Desire:: +30
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +50.0%
Arkadi Berdichevsky Economy minister Authoritarian Democracy Military Entrepreneur:
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +3.00%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on War Production: +50.0%
  • Infrastructure.pngInfrastructure Construction Speed: +10.00%
Jaan Kross Security minister Authoritarian Democracy Crime Fighter:
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +0.15
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -3%

Political parties

Political party Ideology Popularity Party leader Is ruling?
Children of Vorkuta
(Дети Воркуты)
Authoritarian Democracy 76% Janis Mendriks Yes
Ural Communist Bloc
(Уральский Коммунистический Блок)
Authoritarian Socialism 13% --- No
Communal Representatives
(Представители Общин)
Libertarian Socialism 11% --- No
Füssinger's Gang
(Füssingers Bande)
Fascism 0% --- No
SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger National Socialism 0% --- No
Ultranationalism 0% --- No

Political leaders

Leader Ideology Party In power Popularity Leader trait
Janis Mendriks Authoritarian Democracy Children of Vorkuta Yes 76% ---


Type Law Effects
Political Parties Controlled Opposition
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +0.05
  • Ideology Drift Defense: +25%
  • Stability.pngStability: +2.50%
Religious Right Secularism
  • Stability.pngStability: +2.50%
Trade Unions All Trade Unions Allowed
  • Factory Output: -5.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -5.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +2.50%
  • Stability.pngStability: +2.50%
Immigration Open Immigration No Effects
Slavery Outlawed Slavery
  • Stability.pngStability: +5.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
Public Meetings Regulated Public Meetings
  • Stability.pngStability: +2.50%
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +0.025
Press Rights Free Press
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -10.00%
  • Stability.pngStability: +2.50%
Vote Franchise Registered Voting
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +5.00%
  • Stability.pngStability: -2.50%
Refugees Open Refugee Programs
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -5.00%
  • Monthly Population: +5.00
  • Monthly Academic Base Gain: +0.50
  • Monthly Industrial Expertise: +0.50
  • Monthly Poverty Rate: -0.50