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To do list

My new semester is coming, so I won't be able to contribute for several months. I'll always welcome anyone who wants to continue my plans.

  • South African national focus
  • Orenburg (Develop it to a model page), Progress:
    • Politics - 100%
    • National Focus - 100%
      • Text - 100%
      • Imagemap - 100%
    • Economy - 99.99%
    • Technology - 0%
    • Military - 0%
    • Gameplay mechanics - 0%
    • Events - 0%

Useful things

Useful templates

Ideology checker - can be used to create ideology-relevant templates

|Authoritarian Socialism
|as = 
|Libertarian Socialism
|ls = 
|Social Democracy
|sd = 
|Liberal Democracy
|ld = 
|Conservative Democracy
|cd = 
|Authoritarian Democracy
|ad = 
|de = 
|fa = 
|National Socialism
|ns = 
|un = 
|Burgundian System
|bs = 
|#default = }}

Ideology colours

  • Autsoc colour: #6E0000
  • Libsoc colour: #9B0000
  • Socdem colour: #A91B4F
  • Libdem colour: #4E61A3
  • Condem colour: #000087
  • Autdem colour: #828282
  • Des colour: #4B4B4B
  • Fas colour: #843200
  • Natsoc colour: #503200
  • Ultranat colour: #000000
  • Burgsys colour: #430045

Ideology codes

Note:The full name of an ideology can also be used to fill as a parameter in the ideology-relevant templates.

  • AutSoc, Autsoc, autsoc, AS, as - Authoritarian Socialism
  • LibSoc, Libsoc, libsoc, LS, ls - Libertarian Socialism
  • SocDem, Socdem, socdem, SD, sd - Social Democracy
  • LibDem, Libdem, libdem, LD, ld - Liberal Democracy
  • ConDem, Condem, condem, CD, cd - Conservative Democracy
  • AutDem, Autdem, autdem, AD, ad - Authoritarian Democracy
  • Des, des, DE, de - Despotism
  • Fas, fas, FA, fa - Fascism
  • NatSoc, Natsoc, natsoc, NS, ns - National Socialism
  • UltraNat, Ultranat, ultranat, UN, un - Ultranatialism
  • BurgSys, Burgsys, burgsys, BS, bs - Burgundy System