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Orenburg, officially the Orenburg Communes, is a Russian warlord state located in the southern Urals. They border the Dirlewanger Brigade to the east, the Ural League to the north-east, Kazakh SSR to the south, Bashkiria to the north and Samara to the west.

They are a Libertarian Socialist nation headed by a workers council with communal representatives rather than a single leader, though that could later change due to the unstable political situation.

They have cordial relations with the Ural League at the start, but this can be expanded on by Aleksander Burba or the Communal Representatives (depending on who gets or stays in power), possibly resulting in a military alliance down the track against the Dirlewanger Brigade and Magnitogorsk.


Initially founded in 1735, its primary role was to facilitate growing Russian control of the southern Urals and provide as a major trading hub between Russia and the Central Asian khanates along with the Indian subcontinent. The initial expedition decided on the location where the Or and Ural, hence the name Orenburg or fortress on the Or. Despite the city administration decided to relocate in 1739, due to the frequent flooding Orenburg experienced and would go on to found the city of Orsk, Orenburg would be re-founded in 1743, and has since become a major trading point between Russia and Asia. Often nicknamed the "Asian capital Russia," or "Russia's gateway to Asia", the city would expand rapidly to facilitate the exchange of riches like gold and lapis lazuli. The city would later become a major station along the Trans-Aral railway, and would also be Russia's launching point for the conquest of central Asia in the 1830s-1850s. For this reason, Orenburg drew many people across the Russian Empire for its riches and trading. Orenburg was one of Russia's most important geopolitical, cultural and economic centers, facilitating the connection between European Russia and Siberia.

Originally Orenburg also functioned as a military centre for Ural Cossacks. The story of Orenburg's riches began with commercial growth spurring from the construction of the Kuybyshev-Orenburg railway from 1871-1873 and thanks to trade with Central Asia, it grew to become a major center for heavy-industry and agricultural engineering. The city would begin to grow in population since then. Construction projects expanded the cities boundaries, as new workers from the surrounding areas migrated to Orenburg. This would ensure Orenburg's place as a major cultural center of Russia. In 1894, the Kazan Cathedral was constructed in Orenburg, becoming an icon of the city, until its destruction in the 1930s. Thanks to its connections with Kazakhstan, during the Russian Civil War when the Alash political group looked to form an independent Kazakh state, the first All-Kazakh Congress was held from 21st-28th July 1917, during which matters relating to government structure, autonomy and land rights were discussed. Additionally, through July-August the First and Second All-Bashkir Congress during which a decision was made to have a free and democratic on a national territorial basis as part of a federal Russia.

During 5th-13th December 1917, the Alash Autonomy was proclaimed in Orenburg during the Second All-Kazakh Congress. A highly autonomous state within Russia that encompassed most of modern-day Kazakhstan, the southern Urals, Orenburg and its surrounding areas. The Third All-Bashkir Congress happened at the same time, during which the autonomous republic of Bashkurdistan was proclaimed, also claiming Orenburg. The Red Army and the White Army would go on to fight for this important railway hub for the next two years, until the siege of Orenburg finally ended with the defeat of the Orenburg Cossacks and victory for the Red Army. It is clear that the city of Orenburg plays not just and important role for Russia, but for Bashkirs, Kazakhs and other surrounding groups.

From 1920 to 1925, Orenburg became the capital of the Kirghiz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic with the Russian SFSR, a autonomous republic making up most of present day Kazakhstan. Despite it being a Russian city, its close connection with the trade and geopolitics of Central Asia made it an obvious choice for the capital, along with it being closer to Moscow and therefore easier to reinforce, a major benefit as the Central Asian Basmachi movement was staging a guerrilla war against the USSR. But, by 1925 the violence had largely stopped and the internal borders of the ASSRs were redrawn. It was at this point that the Kazakh ASSR was founded and Orenburg was reintegrated into the Russian SFSR. As part of Soviet industrialization programs, Orenburg saw an influx of workers and industry, spurring economic growth for the city. This would only grow further as many industries would relocate east during the Great Patriotic War. But that growth wasn't to last, as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed and chaos swept Russia.

This vitally important city, will either become a hold out in the wastes of Russia or be ravaged by its enemies. This would only grow further as many industries would relocate east during the Great Patriotic War, as part of a move to evacuate necessities deep into the rear away from the German advance. This was when Orenburg became a proper industrial city, with its conscience towards metal, silk, drilling and radiator plants. In the Autumn of 1941, Plant No.174 was relocated to Orenburg at which the new site would go on to make dozens of T-50 tanks for the motherland. The aircraft repair plant, No, 47 was also relocated from Leningrad to Orenburg where it continued to produce UT-2, Yak-6 and Shche-2 planes. From December 1st 1941, the headquarters of the Southern Ural Military District was also to be based out of Orenburg. But that growth wasn't to last, as the Soviet Union collapsed and chaos swept Russia.