Vereinigte Ostlandliga

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United Ostland League (Vereinigte Ostlandliga) is a shaky coalition of liberal students, reformist politicians, pragmatic businessmen, and Baltic Germans who seek to reform the Ostland into something more benevolent.


Andreas Meyer-Landrut at the start of the game will be an economic minister in Lohse's Cabinet. However, As Ostland collapses into war, he has formed a shaky coalition from his idealistic supporters and pragmatic connections, forced to fight his way to Ostland's liberation and form his own state.


  • Meyer-Landrut in real life was a West German ambassador. In TNO, where the Baltic Germans were never expelled to Germany, he instead became an industrialist in Ostland; this has some plausibility based on real history, as Meyer-Landrut's parents are Baltic German industrialists