Vladimir Kirpichnikov

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Vladimir Kirpichnikov is the leader of Onega.


Kirpichnikov will remain largely untouched by the events in western Russia, due to Onega having no goal to unify Russia. While classified as a despot, he will promise democratization. As such, his focuses largely revolve around sabotaging the West Russian Revolutionary Front. However, once another western Russian warlord unifies the rest of the region, he will inevitably be involved. What happens to him depends on how Finland responds to the demand that the West Russian unifier gives them:

  • If Finland agrees to hand over Onega at a bare minimum (or more, if the warlord asked for more than just Onega), Onega will be peacefully annexed by said warlord.
  • If Finland refuses, whoever unified West Russia will declare war on Onega and Finland. Depending on how the war goes, Onega can be conquered, or handed over to the warlord as a demilitarized zone (and it will remain one unless whoever unified western Russia is annexed by another warlord).

In the unlikely event that Onega manages to defeat this warlord, it will not unify Russia; instead, it only annexes the territory north of Vyatka, changes its name to the Northern Russian Republic, while everything to the south of it will be reorganized into a series of client states, all of which are part of the West Russian Defense Pact led by the Northern Russian Republic. Additionally, Kirpichnikov will reveal that he was sincere about his promises, and change ideologies to Paternalistic Conservatism subideology.pngPaternalistic Conservative . However, this is doomed to fail, as Onega cannot unify the rest of Russia, meaning that unless either Omsk unifies Western Siberia, but fails to deal with Pavel Batov's insurgency or Zlatoust "unifies" West Siberia, this new pact is doomed to be conquered by whoever unifies West Siberia, or in one of the aforementioned two situations, whoever unified the eastern half of Russia.