Walter Judd

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Walter Judd (born September 25, 1898) is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district.

In-Game Biography

Walter Judd has never been afraid to go against the grain.

A missionary physician born to humble roots in a small Nebraskan town, Walter Judd spent much of his youth in China as a medical missionary, where he saw firsthand the horrors of Japanese aggression. Guided by his Christian faith and driven by his time abroad, Judd returned to the United States as one of the foremost speakers against Japanese military expansion.

His staunch internationalism earned him a seat in Congress but Judd could not stem the advance of Rising Sun. In the halls of the Capitol, he stood on his principles, waging forlorn battles against the abandonment of America's Chinese allies and for the liberalization of Asian immigration, lambasting the decision by the Dewey administration to seek terms with the Japanese aggressors.

Judd's selection as Vice President emphasizes not only Goldwater's commitment to the right flank of the Republican-Democratic Coalition but its commitment to combating totalitarianism abroad. There will be no negotiating with tyrants and no peace with dictators. For, if America cannot survive a hot war, then it must win the Cold War.