William P. Rogers

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William P. Rogers is an American politician and the current Secretary of State of the United States of America in Richard Nixon's administration.

In-game Biography

William Rogers can be said to be one of the few men in President Nixon's cabinet to have been appointed specifically for their lack of expertise in their portfolio - as a way for the President himself to dominate foreign policy. While Rogers is a talented and respected legal mind - serving as President Eisenhower's Attorney General - President Nixon has repeatedly expressed his interest in leading foreign policy personally, and without influence from within the RDC. Rogers has served as an uninspired Secretary of State to date, frequently overruled or even kept out of the loop by President Nixon.


William P. Rogers was the Attorney General of Eisenhower from 1957 to 1961 and the Secretary of State of Nixon from 1969 to 1973. He died in 2001.