Alexander Altunin

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  • Earlier versions of the game had Altunin as a possible successor for Kliment Voroshilov, but due to the fact that not much distinguished him from other warlords (in particular, he was very similar to Georgy Zhukov), Altunin was cut as a unifier, but is still a usable general.
  • After the v1.1.1 update, he will lead the Russian Liberation Front in the territories formerly controlled by the WRRF after the collapse of Sergey Taboritsky's regime, but turns to despotism.
  • He and Sergey Akhromeyev can join Sverdlovsk when it becomes the Russian People's Union through the event "A Deal for Soldiers in Hiding." As the two were hiding out with false identities after the fall of the WRRF, Pavel Batov has his Internal Security Bureau track them down and offers them places in his military's general staff.