Arabian Republic

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The Arabian Republic, initially known as the Yemen Arab Democratic Republic, is a potential country that appears in Yemen starting in the late 60s.


In the late 1960s, Pan-Arab nationalists will revolt in North Yemen, centered around Sanaʽa. Tired with Italian dominance over the Arab world, their aim is to overthrow the collaborators and pro-Italian royalty, then establish a united republic of Arab states. It fights a civil war against the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen. They're the first Middle Eastern faction that can be supported by Germany to weaken Italian dominance over the Middle East.

The Alliance

The Yemen Arab Republic is the leader of the United Arab States, an alliance consisting of the Dhofar Rebellion, the Levantine People's Republic, the Egyptian Revolutionary Command Council, the Sudanese Free Officers Organization, the Syrian Republic, and Ba'athist Iraq under the shared ideology of Pan-Arabism, before these countries join together as the United Arab Republic.