Belgian National Order

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The Belgian National Order is a state formed by the Walloon SS division when they rebel against the SS State of Burgundy, after which they will immediately declare war on Burgundy and the Flemish National State. The SS-Wallonien and SS-Langemarck are bitter enemies due to their opposing goals: the former wants Belgium to be whole again, while the latter seeks to secure Flemish independence from Wallonia. If a player-controlled Burgundy fails to control them and causes them to revolt, they'll declare war on each other in addition to on Burgundy. Secretly, the SS-Wallonien reprints old propaganda posters about Degrelle's former Rexist party, praising Belgian nationalism in opposition to Himmler's vision for a pure German state. A seemingly undisturbed old bunker from World War II is actually a secret base where the SS-Wallonien convenes in to plot against Himmler, hence why Degrelle and his fellow conspirators often disappear at times.