Flemish National State

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The Flemish National State (Vlaamse Nationale Staat) is a state formed by the Flemish SS-Langemarck division when they rebel against the SS State of Burgundy, after which they will immediately declare war on Burgundy and the Belgian National Order. The SS-Langemarck's struggle for an independent Flanders puts them in irreconcilable opposition with the SS-Wallonien, who wish for Belgium to be whole. If the player causes both to revolt against Burgundy, they'll also declare war on each other as well; while if Heydrich wins the German Civil War and plunges Germany and Burgundy into the SS Civil War, as soon as the SS-Wallonien sides with Heydrich, the SS-Langemarck will quickly join forces with Himmler, even though they have no love for Himmler himself.