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National focus tree

See: Buryatia national focus tree


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If he wins the war against Irkutsk, Sablin will have to decide between the pragmatism of the old Soviet Union or the idealism of his revolution, known as the Bukharinist and Sablinite wings respectively. The focuses he takes will decide which side he leans towards and will alter his gameplay after he unifies East Siberia.

Sablin is also given four decisions to reform the economy and military:

Socialist Economic Reforms: Stage 1, which costs 25 Political power.pngPolitical Power to take and will give the following effects:

For 60 days: Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.20

Effects when removed: Gain National Spirit A Leninist Economy: Stage 1, which grants (Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +10%, Monthly Population: +10.0%, Consumer Goods Factories: -5.0%, Research Speed: +2.50%, Trade deal opinion factor: +10.00%, Infrastructure construction speed: 10.00%, Civilian Factory construction speed: +10.00%, Naval base construction speed: +10.00%).

After taking "Socialist Economic Reforms: Stage 1" you can take Socialist Economic Reforms: Stage 2 which will give the following effects:

For 60 days: Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.20

Effects when removed: Replace A Leninist Economy: Stage 1 with A Leninist Economy: Stage 2 Effective Change: Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +10 Monthly Population: +5.0% Consumer Goods Factories: -5.0% Research Speed: +2.50% Trade deal opinion factor: +10.00% Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00% Civilian Factory construction speed: +10.00% Naval base construction speed: +10.00%

Socialist Army Reforms: Stage 1 which costs 25 Political power.pngPolitical Power to take and will give the following effects:

For 60 days: Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.20

Effects when removed: Gains National Spirit A Leninist Army: Stage 1, which grants (Recruitable Population Factor: 5%, Supply Consumption" -10.0%, Division Recovery Rate: +5.0%, Division Defense: +5.0%).

After taking "Socialist Army Reforms: Stage 1" you can take Socialist Army Reforms: Stage 2 which will give the following effects:

For 60 days: Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.20

Effects when removed: Replace A Leninist Army: Stage 1 with A Leninist Army: Stage 2 Effective change: Recruitable Population Factor: +5% Supply Consumption" -10.0% Division Recovery Rate: +5.0% Division Defense: +5.0%