Buryatia national focus tree

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As one of the Russian unifiers, Buryatia has a unique national focus tree.

The initial Buryatia national focus tree

The initial Buryatia national focus tree can be divided into one branch with three sub-branches:

The Spark branch
This is the main branch of Buryatia's national focus tree, It focuses on securing the revolution.
Of Hope sub-branch
This sub-branch gives weapons and manpower to Buryatia.
Of Equality sub-branch
This sub-branch focuses on the social reform aspects of the revolution.
Of Anger sub-branch
This sub-branch strengthens Buryatia's military and war support.

The Spark branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Spark No national focus prerequisites Gets event 'The Spark'.Gain Base War Support: +5.00%.

The time has come, comrades! For too long has the tyrant Yagoda sat in his ivory tower while the rest of us starved in the dirt. For too long have the corrupt men of the NKVD prowled the streets, taking our friends and family in the dead of night, never to be seen again. The will of the avenging proletariat shall put an end to this, lead by our Comrade-In-Arms, Valery Sablin, for It was he who first took a stand, he who first questioned the tyrant, he who looked death in the face and said 'No.'

With the aid of the Buryats, our ASSR has been reborn, and together, arm in arm, brothers and sisters, we will light the spark of revolution right under Yagoda's feet - and when the time comes, he will be consumed in its blaze.

Of Hope sub-branch

Hope 100.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Of Hope Requires The Spark Gain Base Stability: +15.00%.

Comrades, our revolution is not the rabid bite of a starving dog nor the feeble struggle of the doomed man. Our struggle is a glorious one, born from the suffering forced upon us by Yagoda and his NKVD; but more than that, it is the embodiment of the unending spirit of the hope of the people that one day, their struggles will be rewarded, and their struggles will not be in vain. To this end, measures must be done to inspire the hope in those who still fear the wrath of the NKVD. A revolution is nothing without the love and support of those it is fought for.

For Our Families Requires Of Hope Manpower: +4500

WIthout a family to love and true friends to rely on, what good is life? Comrade Sablin's speeches emphasize the important role of the family within a socialist's life. When not bogged down by oppressive tradition, love of family can be perhaps the strongest purpose, and as Comrade Sablin has learned from his own, the strongest motivation. Our partisans do not fight only for themselves, but for those that love them, and in this simple truth is why we will triumph over the the NKVD in the end. We are not slaves to the Presidium's bureaucracy, or the terror of the NKVD's securocracy, but willing defenders of those we love.

Broadcast the Message Requires For Our Families (Takismo): Add 1 Radar Station.

(Irkutsk) Gets event 'Red Airwaves'. One of the greatest advantages at the ASSR's disposal is the radio towers scattered across the Buryat landscape, instruments with which we can inform the populace - and the enemy - of the Revolution. Our second greatest weapon is Comrade Sablin himself. With his speeches, passionate and rousing, none will be able to deny that we are fighting for a just and fair cause. Comrade Sablin will make nightly radio addresses to the people, keeping them informed on the fight and rallying the cause around him. With this powerful tool, we will ensure that all will be on the side of the Revolution.

For the Future Requires Of Hope Gains 'Looking To The Future' which grants (Division Recovery Rate: +15.0%, Research Speed +3.00%) for 90 days.

The Revolution will not end when Yagoda falls - and make no mistake comrades, he will fall, but we cannot make the same mistakes Comrade Lenin and Comrade Bukharin did before us. That mistake, Comrades, is to not have a clear vision for the post-revolution. If we are not disciplined here and now, marching to a single victory for all, we will lose our way, just as those before us were prone to do. Ever so slowly, the roots of a New Union begin to take shape, cautiously, slowly, but full of determination. Comrade Sablin is not a dictator nor a king; we do not fear him, we are not his slaves - no, we follow him because we believe in what he stands for. Our collective hope and determination will be the tinder that ignites the fires of the Soviet Phoenix.

Nothing to Lose but Your Chains Requires For the Future Add 1 offmap Military Factory.

(Verkhneudinsk): Add 1 Infrastructure. Come, Comrades, join our righteous struggle! Dream of a world in which no man is a slave, no man is subject to the cruel whip or the bullet, a world where democracy and the worker come before all! We can make this world a reality, Comrades, all we need is your strength, your anger, and your hope. Join with us, Comrades, and together we will save the Motherland from the strife that engulfs it, and usher in a new age of peace and prosperity!

Of Equality sub-branch

Equality 100.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Of Equality Requires The Spark Political Power: +50.It is not just the men of the Buryat ASSR that fight for their freedom, Comrades. All brave sons and daughters of the revolution fight together in the struggles against the tyrants, as the great architects of socialism desired. Arm in arm, working men and women will liberate themselves from Yagoda's vicious gaze. While women in our makeshift army are currently restricted to nurses and scouts, Comrade Sablin has begun to push for reforms in these policies. Every man or woman will do their share to liberate Buryatia.
The Dreams of Those Before Requires Of Equality Gets event 'Girls with Guns'.

A seemingly forgotten aspect of the October Revolution was a strong focus on women's rights. As Lenin wrote when discussing the new Bolshevik Russia, "We are bringing the women into the social economy, into legislation and government." We must follow in his example.

As of now. women serve next to men in the armed forces, although behind the front lines they are still stifled by the same oppressive traditions as elsewhere in the Motherland, something Comrade Sablin wants to see gone. To this end, social programs will be created to rapidly give women a bigger role in the ASSR's wartime economy, and Comrade Sablin works day and night with his cabinet to draw up a plan for more elaborate social reform. The ASSR will not be a beacon of bigotry and tradition, but of glorious progress.

And the Will of Us Today Requires The Dreams of Those Before Change in popularity of Libertarian Socialism: +7.50%

Manpower: +1250.

Political Power: -25.

Replace Non-Combat Only with Combat Roles

Effective change:

Recruitable Population Factor: +15%

Stability: -1.00%

War Support: -2.00%

The time has come to finish our reforms in regards to the social status of women, at least for now. Comrade Sablin has declared, as a wartime measure, that women are to be treated essentially identically as men, including methods of work, the law, and the draft. While this is a rather patchwork solution, it is a necessary one for now.

If we are to win this war, we need all hands on deck.

Of Anger sub-branch

Angry 100.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Of Anger Requires The Spark Gain Base War Support: +15.00%.

While Comrade Sablin's reforms and dreams are a revolution in and of themselves, we must not forget our war is not one of gradual, tolerant reform, but a bitter fight for survival and justice itself. Throughout the ASSR, there is not one man, woman, or child that has not felt the bitter sting of loss; all have felt the cold bite of the NKVD's perverted mockery of justice.

Justice, comrades, is the greatest reason for our struggle. We are not only fighting for a better world, we are not only fighting for a better Union - we are fighting for our very survival. Already, partisans loose all their fury upon the NKVD, and if we are to ever defeat the tyrants, we can do nothing but intensify our attacks. We are the agents of justice that will revenge all those the NKVD have wronged.

For Those Lost Requires Of Anger Gain Base War Support: +10.00%

1.25K units of Buryat Infantry Equipment is added to the national stockpile. Comrades, how many sons have wept in the dead of the night, wondering if they will ever see their father's face again? How many wives walk the trees in silence, alone and with no consolation? How many parents have felt a part of themselves die with their children? The extent of Yagoda's crimes are immeasurable and unforgivable; we will never see the faces of those lost - but we will find justice for them.

Answers for Their Crimes Requires For Those Lost Gets event 'Sablinite Justice'.

(Irkutsk) Gets event 'Attack of Children's Crusade'. The question of what to do with captured NKVD officers is one that has weighed heavily on Comrade Sablin's mind. One side of the rebellion calls for rehabilitation, for the prisoners to able to redeem themselves and reintegrate into society. The other calls for revenge, or at the very least imprisonment.

Comrade Sablin has thus decided that wartime tribunals will be established, where each man will be given a fair trial and will be given either rehabilitative measures or punitive ones. However, Comrade Sablin has made it abundantly clear that under no circumstances will executions be performed.

We are not barbarians like them.

For Those Forsaken Requires Of Anger Gains 'For The Forsaken' which grants (Division Organization: -10.00%, Recruitable Population Factor: 5%, Division Attack: +5.0%) for 180 days.

The Buryats, our benefactors and comrades, have felt their own share of tyranny. Discriminated against by Yagoda's government under the thin guise of opposing 'reactionary groups', clearly a simple ruse designed to hide their racism. Under Comrade Sablin, however, such things will not be tolerated.

Orders have been given for the Buryats to be treated entirely equally to Russians and other minority groups, including the small number of Jews in our ranks. If we are to create a truly equal society, we must, indeed, treat our fellow men like man.

No Need to Fear Requires For Those Forsaken Modify For The Forsaken by Division Organization: +5.0%
Division Recovery Rate: +10.0%
Division Attack: +5.0%

All too often have our forced liberated a settlement or town, only to be met with the terrified pleas of its' inhabitants, begging for their homes and lives; in this we see Yagoda's most insidious weapon, propaganda. In the minds of the lost souls within Irkutsk, the ASSR is not a liberating force, it is an army of brigands, rapists, and killers, only out to plunder their riches and destroy the socialist paradise 'Comrade' Yagoda has worked so hard to build.

Of course, this is utter nonsense, but those living under the yoke cannot, -must not- be blamed for their ignorance. We will make efforts to spread the news of our true intentions to the people, wiping the mist away from their eyes and exposing Yagoda for the traitor and monster he is.

Final focus

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
To Burn the Tyrants Down Requires all of the following:- Broadcast the Message
- Nothing to Lose but Your Chains
- And the Will of Us Today
- Answers for Their Crimes
- No Need to Fear
Gains 'Burn The Tyrant Down' which grants (Division Recovery Rate: -5.0%, Division Attack: +10.0% for 180 days.

Upon the defeat of Irkutsk, a new focus tree for Buryatia will appear:

The second Buryatia national focus tree.

The second Buryatia national focus tree can be divided into one branch with three sub-branches:

The Revolution Victorious branch
This is the main branch of Buryatia's national focus tree. It focuses on dealing with the aftermath of the revolution.
In Our Hearts sub-branch
This sub-branch focuses on the social reform aspects of the revolution.
In Our Homes sub-branch
This sub-branch deals with rebuilding the nation,
Trying the NKVD sub-branch
This sub-branch focuses on dealing with the remnants of the NKVD.

The Revolution Victorious branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Revolution Victorious No national focus prerequisites Gets event 'Doubts'.

We are victorious and Yagoda sits in our prison, awaithing his fate. We have proven our strength and will on the battlefields of Siberia and we can now transform our region into a worker's dream! Ket those who doubted our chances of success be crushed by the boot of Leninism. Nevertheless, our territory has been ravaged by war and much of the infrastructure we had was damaged. Our nation must now begin the reconstruction of the land and build a state much like the old Soviet state under Lenin.

If we want to unify the motherland and help the struggling Russians being oppressed by dictators and mismanaged by inept democracies, we must create a strong union that can fight for them. It is also necessary we create a model province to show our enemies we are the only ones who can create a perfect Russia. No one can stop the masses from achieving their goals in the end!

Stoke the Fires Requires The Revolution Victorious Change in popularity of Libertarian Socialism: +7.50%

Change in popularity of Authoritarian Socialism: +7.50%

Political Power: +50.

Let us promote our revolutionary ideals to make a better society. People have become lethargic and fearful because of the brutality and terror tactics of Yagoda, but cruelty is not what socialism should be about. The workers should love their government, not be scared of it. Socialism is not the dread of what punishment is to come, but the anticipation of what reward is to be made.

For socialism to work it is in dire need of the support of the people. This is where Yagoda failed, but we will succeed.

To achieve this we need some propaganda. We must appear as a loving and caring government to the populace. Posters will be around every corner and the radios will be filled with revolutionary messages! Likewise, we must also give more rights to the laborers in the factories and farms. We will have support in no time!

In Our Hearts sub-branch

Reforming 100.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
In Our Hearts Requires Stoke the Fires Gain Base Stability: +7.50%.

There's no other place to start than by improving the lives of our people socially. Our society is still mired in the tradition of the Tsars. This is a huge issue for our appearance to the other warlords and if we want to be a Leninist state, we will have to look like one. We must take care of this problem at once. Women deserve rights just like men.

Old traditions must be destroyed to pave the way towards progress. We can't let the people be oppressed any longer! Once we achieve the social revolution there will be no stopping what is right. If people have more rights they will work harder. The ancient beliefs and customs that are not compatible with socialism will be ended. After all, everyone must be equal if we want to accomplish the revolution.

The Shackles Broken Requires In Our Hearts Gets event 'All Hands on Deck'.

Political Power: -85.

The place of women in the revolution has always been a question for many socialist movements, ours among them. Women deserve the freedom of defending their rights and the revolution, why can't they fight on the front lines or work as medics in the field hospitals?

We shall promptly decree an order to make women equal to men in army capacity. Female battalions will be a staple of our army. All people are comrades, not just the men, but the women and children too. Our enemies will fear the female soldiers just as much as their male counterparts!

Steady Reform Requires The Shackles BrokenMutually exclusive with Place the Dominoes Change in popularity of Libertarian Socialism: +2.50%

This will empower the Sablinite wing of the party!

Political Power: -75.

Replace Combat Roles with Total Service Equality

Effective change:

Recruitable Population Factor: +15%

Stability: -1.00%

War Support: -2.00%

Replace Women in the Workplace with Gender Equality

Effective change:

Monthly Population: -10.0%

Recruitable Population Factor: +15%

Stability: -5.00%

Factory Output: +5.00%

Dockyard Output: +5.00%

As Marx so incisively surmised long ago, human history can be best understood through the lens of the oppressed and his oppressor, each diametrically opposed in their ceaseless struggle.

However, age was wizened the oppressor. In those lands not yet claimed by the fascists, he employs an insidious method to mask his intentions. A mask forms upon the contours of his face. Slowly, he morphs into something new; a "rational moderate/"

Quick to support theoretical causes, he will suffer no discomfort acknowledging a position's moral righteousness. Oh yes, this cause is surely just.

His connection however, appears upon any real implementation. "Is it time?" he cris, "Why must you alienate the people with such swift changes?"

After an enlightening conversation with Comrade Pechuro, Comrade Sablin has seen the truth behind these nefarious lies. The socialist woman will be equal to the man in all matters. As an inseparable aspect of Bourgeois culture, sex based societal roles must become a thing of the past. Let the "moderates" shout. Our cause aligns with the highest ideas of Lenin and Marc. We shall not drag our feet!

Place the Dominoes Requires The Shackles Broken

Mutually exclusive with Steady Reform

Change in popularity of Authoritarian Socialism: +2.50%

This will empower the Bukharinist wing of the party!

Gain Base Stability:: +7.50%

Replace Combat Roles with Total Service Equality

Effective change:

Recruitable Population Factor: +15%

Stability: -1.00%

War Support: -2.00%

Replace Women in the Workplace with Gender Equality

Effective change:

Monthly Population: -10.0%

Recruitable Population Factor: +15%

Stability: -5.00%

Factory Output: +5.00%

Dockyard Output: +5.00%

Comrade Sablin has stated his views on the matter many times. The revolutionary woman is to be equal to the revolutionary man.

However, unlike many of his other contentions, these claims have fallen on mostly deaf ears. The Soviet people, disparate and embroiled in chaos, have adopted quite a few reactionary attitudes over these last decades. In addition, centuries of traditional Russian culture have aided few in challenging these thoughts.

While the goals of Comrade Pechuro and other feminist figures are undeniably admirable, they are also incredibly naive. Our fledgling state was created to represent the will of the masses, not simply to force doctrines upon them from above. Instead of a hasty and radical policy that is sure to cause backlash, Comrade Braun has proposed more gradual reforms. The people must become warm to revolutionary orals, not be thrust into them. Hopefully, a policy such as this will eventually lead to gender equality, as opposed to a harmful reactionary resistance.

The Revolutionary Woman Requires one of the following:

- Steady Reform
- Place the Dominoes

Gains National Spirit The Revolutionary Woman, which grants (Recruitable Population Factor: 2%, Division Recovery Rate: +5.0%, Stability: +10.00%, War Support: +10.00%).

Beyond any policy arguments or proposed reforms, it is clear that Socialism benefits all. With the destruction of bourgeois property relations, the expansion of welfare, and the reordering of society, conditions are rapidly changing.

No longer forced to pry an existence from the hands of their masters, the women of the Soviet Union enjoy many benefits. Freed from wage labor, they now have time for jovial pursuits. Adequate attention can be safely given to family, career, duty, and happiness.

In addition, mothers no longer suffer the indignity of working alongside their child. Public schooling and relaxed quotas have ensured a better upbringing, and an end to any lingering child labor.

The extent of our policy may vary, but it is undeniable that the socialist woman has become emancipated by the revolution.

In Our Homes sub-branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
In Our Homes Requires Stoke the Fires Our Industrial Expertise Societal Development will begin to slowly improve.

Our Industrial Equipment Societal Development will begin to improve.


  • Add 1 Civilian Factory
  • Add 1 Building Slots.

As our triumphant revolution marches on, we cannot ever forget that the rights of the worker forms the very bedrock of socialist ideals. Even now, the working men and women of Buryatia languish under old laws from decades past, and are forced to make of with a barely functioning industrial sector. With our comrades in labor crying out for justice, the time has come to rush to their aid.

The General Secretary shall work to personally ensure that the rights of the worker in the new Union are guaranteed. All of these reforms, however, will be for naught if our people cannot find work! To remedy this we must begin a large-scale overhaul of our dilapidated factories to both provide ample work opportunities dor the people and bring our industry back to life.

In the end, all of our efforts will serve as a powerful statement of our new government's goals: the Union will always fight for the working man!

Worker's Councils Requires In Our Homes

Mutually exclusive with

Light Centralization

Change in popularity of Libertarian Socialism: +2.50%

This will empower the Sablinite wing of the party!

Political Power: +35.

One of the many injustices of Yagoda's regime was the creeping, insidious influence of totalitarianism. Now that the tyrant has been dealt with, we must take care not to fall victim to the same mistakes. To that end, we will being the worker's councils of Buryatia into the fold and elevate them to a far more meaningful place in our new government.

Although Comrade Sablin shall remain as General Secretary to helming guide the revolution through this turbulent era, we will give the councils even greater freedom so that they may properly uphold the liberty of the workers. With these reforms, we will have taken a powerful step toward our ultimate goal of creating a truly free worker's paradise, where no voice goes unheard.

Light Centralization Requires In Our Homes

Mutually exclusive with

Worker's Councils

Political Power: +50.

Change in popularity of Authoritarian Socialism: +2.50%This will empower the Bukharinist wing of the party!

Gain Base Stability:: +7.50%


  • Add 1 Civilian Factory
  • Add 1 Building Slots.

Our revolution has achieved much in toppling the tyrant who once terrorized these lands, and our victory has no doubt given much-needed hope and optimism to the oppressed peoples of the Far East. Now, however, it is becoming clear that the situation is not any less dire than it was before our victory. We must learn to accept that out position is still far from secure, and one false move could place all of our achievements in jeopardy. Therefore, the centralized authority that we established during the rebellion must remain as-is. to allow us to more efficiently safeguard the revolution.

Some in the council may see this temporary policy as a betrayal of the ideals we champion so loudly. Great reforms are indeed on the horizon, but for now we must first take every precaution necessary to ensure that our young Union survives.

Rebuild the Factories Requires one of the following:- Worker's Councils
- Light Centralization

Mutually exclusive with 

Repair the Roads

Change in popularity of Libertarian Socialism: +2.50%

This will empower the Sablinite wing of the party!

Our Industrial Equipment Societal Development will begin to slowly improve.


  • Add 1 Civilian Factory
  • Add 1 Building Slots.

During the war, many factories were destroyed leaving many without a place to work. The Soviet councils unanimously call for construction projects to repair the factories and give the laborers stable jobs, however the support of the Soviet councils is integral to Sablin's power base and following the worker's needs very much appeals to Sablin's idealization of Marx and Lenin.

Repair the Roads Requires one of the following:

- Worker's Councils
- Light Centralization

Mutually exclusive with 

Rebuild the Factories

This will empower the Bukharinist wing of the party!

Our Industrial Expertise Societal Development will begin to slowly improve.

Our Industrial Equipment Societal Development will begin to slowly improve.


  • Add 2 Infrastructure
  • Add 1 Building Slots.

Much of the Siberian infrastructure was also destroyed in the uprising against Yagoda, and many soldiers are calling for repairing the roads to maintain steadfast positions in the upcoming wars. Sablin does have the power to override the Soviet council's calls to repair the factories to help the revolution spread further. Should he override the Soviet council's recommendation, this sets the precedent that the state's power lies in Sablin, which he feels is a betrayal of the workers. At the same time, rebuilding the infrastructure would help in spreading the revolution to our neighbors.

The Wheels Begin to Turn Requires one of the following:- Rebuild the Factories
- Repair the Roads
Gains National Spirit Wheels of Labor, which grants (Consumer Goods Factories: -5%, Production Efficiency Cap: +10.00%, Production Efficiency Growth: +5.00%, Factory Output: +10.00%).

Can you hear it, comrades? The factories are alive with the sound of machinery and power tools at work, the roads are busy with traffic once more, and the workers are once again toiling away to create a better future for all of us! Yet again we have accomplished the impossible, and our efforts have imbued new life into the region. Soon the industrial potential of the entire region will be fulfilled to its utmost, and we will have a strong base from which we can continue to spread the revolution across Russia.

Most importantly of all however, the common folk of Buryatia have finally been able to live better lives. With plenty of jobs available for all, the people have finally been emancipated from the lingering dread of poverty and hunger. The wheels of labor have begun to turn, and there will be no stopping them any time soon!

Trying the NKVD sub-branch

Rebuilding 100.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Trying the NKVD Requires The Revolution Victorious Gets event 'The Fate of the NKVD'.

The time has come. The top officials of the infamous secret police force that served as the terror od so many for so long will finally be put on trial in the people's court. Justice will be served, but unlike our enemies we have elected to do so with fairness and honesty. They will be prosecuted like any other, and will be given the chance to defend themselves.

Although these men would never show us the same mercies given the chance, we must prove to the people that we are not the same monsters that once reigned in Irkutsk. By avoiding a humiliating show trial in a kangaroo court, we will demonstrate that both friend and foe will be given the benefit of the doubt, and that justice will always prevail in our new Russia.

Justice for the Bereaved Requires Trying the NKVD
Mutually exclusive with A Chance at Redemption
Gains 'Dissolving the NKVD', which grants (Political Power Gain: -20%, Weekly War Support+1.50%) for 90 days.

Now that the trial has concluded, the question remains of what will become of the NKVD itself. During the related council meetings, much of the radicals have loudly argues that the NKVD plates an unmistakable role in the oppression of millions during the days of the old Soviet Union, and that the only way to avoid losing sight of our ideals is to do away with he infamous secret police force once and for all.

Being all too familiar with the horror stories associated with he organization, their words resonated well with Sablin, who has rightful decided to completely dismantle the NKVD for good. We will begin to judge each individual member of the NKVD and determine the severity of their individual crimes. For those who are found to have committed countless crimes against the people, we will lock up and throw away the key. As for the rest, there is a chance that they can repent for their crimes in the form of community service to the people and some may yet be allowed to reintegrate.

Soon the people will never have to fear the paranoid reprisals of the secret police, and together will will move ever closer to our dreams of a true revolution!

A Chance at Redemption Requires Trying the NKVD
Mutually exclusive with Justice for the Deceased
Our Army Professionalism Societal Development will begin to improve.

Gains 'Reintegrating the NKVD', which grants (War Support: -20%, Decryption+1,00, Decryption+15.00%) for 180 days.

The trial is over, and since then there have been countless debates over what to do with the remnants of the NKVD, During these debates, Comrade Braun has proposed a rather controversial option. He insists that we still need some kind of secret police force to ensure our revolution's long-term survival, and that incorporating the NKVD is necessary to fill this gap. This sentiment has been echoed by the older Bolsheviks, who argue that reintegrating the NKVD in some for would be a great benefit to us. Although Comrade Sablin knows that the organization was responsible for countless atrocities and injustices, he couldn't help but see the logic in Comrade Braun's words.

Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that he has decided to begin the reintegration of the NKVD into our new government. This process will include a comprehensive restructuring of the organization, as well as further trials for members that have been found guilty for egregious crimes against the people.

To say that this move is controversial would be an understatement, but Sablin assures the skeptics in the Soviet council that they have nothing to fear. Our new NKVD will be rebuilt from the ground up to help protect the people, not terrorize them.

The Fate of Yagoda Requires one of the following:- Justice for the Deceased
- A Chance at Redemption
Gets event 'The Trial of Genrikh Yagoda'.

The tyrant lies defeated. The terror in the night, reduced to a fearful husk cowering in a cell. The revolution has begun anew, finally saved from traitorous and vile men. Now, the unspoken question lingers in the air. What comes next?

Comrade Braun, often struggling to compose himself, has strongly indicated his wishes to see the monster executed. In private talks with Sablin, he passionately argues his case. It would be disrespectful to those murdered to allow such a man to live, and exceedingly dangerous. According to him, Yagoda must serve as a symbol to all who would dare subvert the will of the masses to fulfill their own petty ends.

However, Comrade Pechuro has emerged with a different approach. Believing that an execution will forever sully the moral character of the new state, Pechuro argues instead for lifetime imprisonment. According to her, the new union must rise above the barbarism of the past. In addition, she believes imprisonment sets no less effective an example.

Ultimately, the choice falls on Sablin's shoulders. Each day we remain undecided is another we anger our people. Something must be done with the old oppressor.

The People's Judgement Requires The Fate of Yagoda

Mutually exclusive with Sic Semper Tyrannis

Change in popularity of Libertarian Socialism: +2.50%

This will empower the Sablinite wing of the party!

We cannot forget the blood that has been spilled, and the sacrifices made in the name of our revolution. However, vengeance must not overtake sense. By killing this former oppressor, we set a dangerous precedent. Yagoda must serve as an example of the new character of our socialist state. Instead of committing an extrajudicial murder as the old NKVD would have, we will orgnaize a public trial. Ultimately, we show more strength in restraint than violence.

Sic Semper Tyrannis Requires The Fate of Yagoda

Mutually exclusive with The People's Judgement

Change in popularity of Authoritarian Socialism: +2.50%This will empower the Bukharinist wing of the party!

We will shoot the bastard and get it over with! There is no place in the union to come for murderers or despots, in the name of every brave dissident and tortured soldier, we can finally end this madness.

It is true that much blood has already been spilled, but crimes egregious as these deserve something more than a luxurious imprisonment.

United Forever Requires one of the following:- The People's Judgement
- Sic Semper Tyrannis
Gains National Spirit Unity Forever!, which grants ( Political Power Gain: +15%, Division Recovery Rate+10.0%, Division Defense: +10.0%).

The symphony of equality is slowly building to a crescendo. The once heavy air, weighing down on the common man's broad shoulders, has assumed a lighted form. Long sealed lips begin to sing, as free expression returns to life on the shores of Lake Baikal.

The people, long cynical in their attitudes, have begun to feel a revived kinship. Once again, all have truly become comrades. Without coercion, brutality, or betrayal, the people find faith in our inevitable goal. While fully healing our scars may take some time, our progress towards the liberation of the proletariat, and the restoration of legitimacy, has begun.

Final focus

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Torch Of Hope Requires all of the following:- The Revolutionary Woman
- The Wheels Begin to Turn
- United Forever
Gets event 'The Revolution Waits for No-One!'.

Dreams are fickle things.

In their time, they wield unraveled power. Dreams triumph over all reason, manipulating reality itself to suit their whims. Indeed, dreams are influential actors.

However, they find themselves no match for the morning sun, fading like a distant mirage into its yellow horizon.

The people of Lake Baikal have awoken, and for the first time in history, the dream has not receded. What started as an impassioned speech in a radio tower has grown into a mass movement. A simple rebellion; the spark needed to revive the socialist spirit.

We have achieved one seemingly impossible task, and with the end of tyranny we march towards another. Reunification will not be easy, but it will be necessary. Let us carry the torch across the east. The dreams of October will not fade this day!

Upon the completion of the second Buryatia national focus tree, a new tree will appear:

Buryatia wholesome 300 focus tree.png

The third Buryatia national focus tree has only one branch:

Spreading the Revolution branch
This is the main branch of Buryatia's national focus tree. It focuses on dealing with Aldan and preparing for the liberation of the Far East.

Spreading the Revolution branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Spreading the Revolution No national focus prerequisites The time has come to liberate the Far East from its oppressors!

Gain Base War Support: +5.00%

Political Power: +25.

Comrades, the time for liberation is nearly at hand! Now that we have settled accounts with Yagoda and consolidated our position, we must now focus our gaze beyond our borders. To the east, the situation has frown out of control. White Tsarist officers continue to champion the hopeless cause of monarchism with their pet Tsar in Chita, while the warlords of Amur and Magadan brazenly declare open allegiance to Fascist ideals! The ultimate foes of Socialism lie right on our doorstep, and thus we must prepare for the inevitable conflict that will decide once and for all who controls the Russian Far East.

While we prepare ourselves for war, it may be necessary to look for nearby warlords we could make common cause with, for we will need all the help we can get ridding the region of the Fascist scum once and for all.

The Partisans in Aldan Requires Spreading the RevolutionThe following will bypass the focus:

Aldan: Does not exist

Gets event 'Whimper of the Siberian Tiger'.Of all the nations that surround us, corrupt in their idelogies and hostile to our intent to build towards a new worker's future, there is one that stands out in the territories of the Far East. The free-fighters, the partisans, the lovers, the natives and the idealists - they are the backbone that makes up Aldan. They are the refugees of a war-torn world, and in a place like this, they are a beacon, much like us.

Except they possess no will to drive Russia and its inhabitants into a new era of prosperity. Instead, rightfully so, they remain where they are and defend their homeland. We, however, have ideas that go beyond containing the revolution. With the potential to become fast allies, we have authorized communications with Aldan.

May we hope they coalesce forces with us in this eternal struggle.

Offer Our Friendship Requires The Partisans in AldanThe following will bypass the focus:

Aldan: Does not exist

Enact Non-agression pact with the Partisan Republic of Aldan.

Sly trickery and deception is common, almost expected, even, of Russia's dark age. Such as it is, it only makes sense that the partisans of Aldan would doubt us in binding relations together.

That is why we must go above and beyond what is expected, and sand over negotiations that would sign a non-aggression pact with them and that, in no uncertain terms, should it be broken, the trust that any nation or people hold in our government will break down.

If this goes through, it will be much easier to bring ourselves closer to another light in the East.

A Way Home Requires The Partisans in AldanThe following will bypass the focus:

Aldan: Does not exist

Give the Partisan Republic of Aldan military access.

What can we make of friendship if there are guards patrolling the border? If a man from Aldan wishes to come home in Buryatia, what need is there to stop and frisk him, interrogate him, punish him for wanting to go back home?

This lack of clemency means that no relationship built on closed-off fences and rifles pointed at the other side will last, and we must seek to resolve it as soon as possible.

With proper negotiation, we will make sure that every man, woman, and child will move through safely, unhindered in their passage and comfortable in the knowledge that they are welcome in our lands just as much as they are in Aldan.

Comrades in Arms Requires all of the following:- Offer Our Friendship
- A Way Home
At peace

The following will bypass the focus:

Aldan: Does not exist

Gets event 'Homeward Bound'.Glorious days! The people of Aldan have shown strong support for these measures - so much so that there have even been rallying cries that our two nations unite. Having overlooked the situation at hand, we have seen no reason to not go ahead with the proceedings.

Our government shall henceforth petition the Aldan government the proposal to bind our nations into one. If they accept, then there will be one more set of peoples joining us in the quest for liberation.

The Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic shall expand its reach, and another territory, free and equal, will join the fray!

Reunite the Families Requires Comrades in Arms Gain Base Stability: +7.50%

Finally, we are two nations acting as one, and we will prosper all the more for it. However, some voices echo the thought that we should do more than just bring them in. Looting, plundering, raiding, they have all torn apart marriages, children from parents, and communities that remain divided.

We will not only accept the partisans of Aldan - we will guide the to their homes, reunite them with their loved ones, and heal the many wounds that have been prolonged needlessly for all these decades past!

Salvage the Equipment Requires Comrades in Arms 750 units of Aldanian Infantry Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
250 units of Albanian Support Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
250 units of Aldanian Towed Artillery is added to the national stockpile.
250 units of Aldanian Anti-Tank Equipment is added to the national stockpile.In the East, industrial capacity is something that every nation craves. To output weapons capable of defending themselves - and, in some cases, using them for purposes of expansion. It is what makes or breaks a community, whether it will live or die in the plains, forests, and frozen-over mountains of Siberia.

With the integration of Aldan, however, we've gained access to their unused armories, stockpiled with outdated, but still very useful equipment. With these, we will make sure the unification of Russia is accelerated!

Integrate Their Armies Requires Comrades in Arms Army Experience: +10.

Political Power: +5000.


Every Unit Leader:

Joins the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

War is a bloody and violent thing. It ruins the minds of men, leaving them as ghosts and shells, yet it is a cruel and necessary evil that is known in much of the world, where peace is a rarity and truces are cherished. Many of Aldan's partisans are older men, willing to settle down and never pick up a rifle again. For that, their services are respected, and their wishes obligated.

But there will always remain those willing to serve. To carry a gun into battle. The younger men are filled with fervor - the revolution, they believe, will be carried out with bullets and blood. They are, unfortunately, not wrong, and so their services will be put to use. Every one of those men that serve the ASSR carry the dreams and ideals of a world untarnished by violence, but they must raise hell before the calm can arrive.

The Socialist Spirit Requires all of the following:- Reunite the Families
- Salvage the Equipment
- Integrate Their Armies
This will slightly decrease coring time.

"The Socialists of oppressed nations must, in their turn, unfailingly fight for the complete (including organizational) unity of the workers of the oppressed and oppressing nationalities." - Vladimir Illyich Ulyanov.

A revolution is impossible if the workers are not like chains, their links interlocking with each-other, yet every link is as strong as steel. If we can follow such a policy, the people of Aldan will be united with us in our want, need, and demand for a better world. If their goals align with outs, they will find it easier to integrate themselves within the new makings of our society, and, in turn, will set a precedent for those who join the ASSR henceforth.

The Far Eastern War Requires The Socialist Spirit Gain Base War Support: +10.00%

While a bitter and unsatisfying peace reigned in the East, things have suddenly shifted so suddenly, and so quickly. From the rise of the mysterious Alexander Men in the north, to the bloody conflict that has resulted in a unification of the Harbin Three in the east, two sudden issues plague us.

With renewed forces on both sides, we will have to make our moves carefully, lest the torch of our revolution is extinguished. Our soldiers will ready their rifles, steel their minds, and prepare themselves for war once more.

Upon the completion of the final focus, a new focus tree will appear:

The fourth Buryatia national focus tree.

The fourth Buryatia national focus tree can be divided into one branch with two sub-branches:

The Far Eastern War branch
This is the main branch of Buryatia's national focus tree, It focuses on uniting the Far East.
Tragedy and Farce in Exile sub-branch
This sub-branch deals with the 'Harbin Three' of Amur, Magadan, and Chita.
The Man of God sub-branch
This sub-branch focuses on dealing with Alexander Men's Divine Mandate of Siberia.

The Far Eastern War branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Far Eastern War Requires The Socialist Spirit Gain Base War Support: +10.00%

While a bitter and unsatisfying peace reigned in the East, things have suddenly shifted so suddenly, and so quickly. From the rise of the mysterious Alexander Men in the north, to the bloody conflict that has resulted in a unification of the Harbin Three in the east, two sudden issues plague us.

With renewed forces on both sides, we will have to make our moves carefully, lest the torch of our revolution is extinguished. Our soldiers will ready their rifles, steel their minds, and prepare themselves for war once more.

Tragedy and Farce in Exile sub-branch

Fascism 100.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Tragedy and Farce in Exile Requires The Far Eastern War Gets event 'Against All Tyranny'.

The Harbin Three were a curious, but ultimately disgusting situation. In the aftermath of the chaos that swarmed Russia, they made their homes in the East, their ideologies festering and corrupting.

Mikhail II of Chita - the self-proclaimed 'Tsar', the deathly enemy that Lenin decidedly fought against in the great October Revolution. The stain of Tsarism returned, biding its time to throw Russia back into he past.

Mikhail Matkovsky of Magadan - a ridiculous idea to make the idea of fascism, in ask its blood-soaked "glory", something that the people of Russia would be willing to adopt. Only folly follows in Matkovsky's wake.

Konstantin Rodzaevsky of Amur. Nothing but a bandit, a scoundrel, a murderer, following in insanity's footsteps. The madness of National "Socialism" had infested his mind, with he so-callled Vozhd representing everything that Russia is to fight and annihilate from this world.

Now the victor of these three stands tall, ready to be torn down.

End the Schemes Requires Tragedy and Farce in ExileAt peace

The following will bypass the focus:

Magadan: Does not exist

Gains 'Against the Deciever', which grants (Division Recovery Rate: +15.0%, (The Free State of Magadan) Attack bonus against country+10.0%) for 180 days.

Buryatia declares war on Magadan.

For all that Matkovsky is, he has managed to build a farce of a Russian nation based on the principles of fascism, and manage to have it not collapse immediately. While he is capable and clever, he is dangerous and capable of undermining the revolution. It will all be for naught, however. Our armies will be quick on the prowl, and we will snuff the candle of fascism before it blazes into an inferno, threatening to drag the people of Russia into reactionary hell.

Decapitate the Serpent Requires End the Schemes Gets event 'The Trial of Mikhail Matkovsky'.

For all of his mental prowess, it did not save Matkovsky and his wretched ilk when we flew the flag over Magadan and proclaimed our victory. With Matkovsky captured, his crimes shall be listed, the will of the people shall be heard, and his fate shall be determined swiftly, and the rest of his insidious gang shall follow with.

There will be no mercy shown to fascism - wherever its roots dig, it only brings suffering, and here, the fate of it will be determined. Will it be locked away into irrelevance, or will we burn it out?

Dethrone the Tsar Requires Tragedy and Farce in ExileAt peace

The following will bypass the focus:

Chita: Does not exist

Gains 'Against the Tsarists', which grants (Division Recovery Rate: +15.0%, (The Transbaikal Principality) Attack bonus against country+10.0%) for 180 days.

Buryatia declares war on Chita.

If the October Revolution taught Sablin anything, it was that monarchism was an erratic, dangerous, and violent force, more than willing to bog its people down in backwards ideas and self-destructive behavior. He knows that the contradictions held within Chita would eventually lead to its downfall, but the revolution refuses to wait for time to take its toll on the deserving.

Those who seek to remain stuck in ideologies desperately attempting to escape their fate in the sands of time deserve nothing more than to be as relics of the past.


Shatter the Crown Requires Dethrone the Tsar Gets event 'An Empty Crown'.

After defeating the forces of Chita, Mikhail II was brought in and questioned extensively. During that time, we have found out a strange and cruel fact. He is a charismatic figure, certainly, but his is a role more elusive than we initially thought. With his nation ruined, Mikhail confessed to a great many things.

Mikhail II - actually named Michael Andreevich, is a descendant of the Romanovs. However, we have found out that before his time in Chita, he lived in Australia, and was effectively kidnapped and sent to play the role of a king in the East. While he was put in an untenable and awful situation, he still represents a threat to Russian sovereignty.

There will be no trial for Michael Andreevich. He will simply be sent to his home, and thus never again allowed to return. Not that he seemed to be wholly against the idea.

Strike at the Nazi Requires Tragedy and Farce in ExileAt peace

The following will bypass the focus:

Amur: Does not exist

Smash the Swastika Requires Strike at the Nazi
The East Silenced Requires one of the following:- End the Schemes
- Shatter the Crown
- Smash the Swastika
This will slightly decrease coring time.

It was difficult and bloody, but we have finally excised the tumor of fascism and collaborationism from the Far East. The remnants of the monarchists and feuding cliques of the Russian Fascist Party have fled to lick their wounds abroad, and the people can once again breathe easy. We cannot rest, however. The hard work of bringing these new territories into the fold is solely ours to perform.

Extending our social programs into these areas will likely be popular, but we cannot predict how the people, unused to true socialism after so many years of tyranny, will respond to their newfound freedom. Ensuring that we stay on their good side as we begin our reforms is a must.

The Men of God sub-branch

Religion 100.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Men of God Requires The Far Eastern WarIs at war with Divine Mandate of Siberia

The following will bypass the focus:

Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist

Gains 'Against the Theocrat', which grants (Division Recovery Rate: +15.0%, War Support: -10.00%, (Divine Mandate of Siberia) Attack bonus against country+10.0%) for 180 days.

The liberation of Chita, Magadan, and Amur from the reactionaries was to most people the end of the fight for regional control. With socialism ascendant and the right in shambles, who could say that there were struggles yet to come? There is one major enemy of the left remaining, and not one that anyone expected.

We don't know how it happened, but the preacher Alexander Men has launched his bid for the reunification of Russia. He has managed to raise a large but ramshackle army of zealots to fight for a communal, almost anarchistic, yet theocratic society in the frigid reaches of the Far East. Men is no monster, but if he stands in the way of the revolution he will be stopped with force.

A War of Restraint Requires The Men of GodIs at war with Divine Mandate of Siberia

The following will bypass the focus:

Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist

Gains 'Showing Restraint', which grants (Division Organization: +5.0%, War Support: -10.00%, Division Defense+5.0%) for 80 days.

While enthusiastic about socialism, the people are clearly not enthusiastic about this war. The residents of the Far East, many of them religious, have great sympathy for Alexander Men and his movement. They recall fondly the charity and self-sacrifice of the worshippers, and may even have friends and relatives who heeded the call to arms.

The leadership understands, too, that Men is a man who means well but has a very different belief system from ours. His followers are not Nazis and they must not be treated as such. Even if they don't back down, we will give them a war in the spirit of their God: gentle, humane, and with respect for the combatants.

Pacification Requires A War of Restraint
Mutually exclusive with AnnihilationIs at war with Divine Mandate of Siberia

The following will bypass the focus:

Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist

Change in popularity of Libertarian Socialism: +2.50%

This will empower the Sablinite wing of the party!

Men's army is maybe the most unusual we have ever fought. Far from hardened NKVD officers or fascist cutthroats, they are largely not career soldiers and have only recently picked up arms. Most are simply peasants inspired by Men's words to fight for a better world in the spirit of God and Christ. A commendable instinct! Even if they are misguided, we will treat them well.

Soldiers will be instructed to follow strictly the laws of war and take prisoners wherever possible. They may resist, and it will certainly be difficult, but we are socialists, and we have always had to fight as hard as possible to lead the people to freedom, even when they resist. We must be better, so that they can be too.

Annihalation Requires A War of Restraint
Mutually exclusive with PacificationIs at war with Divine Mandate of Siberia

The following will bypass the focus:

Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist

Change in popularity of Authoritarian Socialism: +2.50%

This will empower the Bukharinist wing of the party!

What horrors religion can inspire people to commit! Even the most ordinary man, kind to his family and his neighbors, can be led to the worst of atrocities if be believes that God is on his side. Even with a lenient response, Alexander Men's impromptu crusaders will continue to press the attack. They have benevolent intentions, but hold the belief borne of ignorants that socialists are agents of the devil here to attack their traditions. Sad as it may be, we cannot take this lying down.

Soldiers will be instructed to defend themselves how they feel they must, although never to break the laws of war or common decency in doing so. It is tragic that their faith leads these people to fight against their liberation, but there never was a bloodless path to freedom.

Reintegration Requires one of the following:
- Pacification
- Annihalation
Is at war with Divine Mandate of Siberia

The following will bypass the focus:

Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist

We will take measures to lessen the impact of local peasant uprisings!

Manpower: +2000.

Our attempts to fight Alexander Men's hordes of believers humanely have been successful, but now we have a new problem: a large population of fervently indoctrinated peasants in our custody, and little idea of what to do with them. These people, although not treated badly, yearn to join their brethren at the front and will likely cause unrest if we allow them to.

Although it may not be palatable to the government, the captured peasants will need to be reintegrated into the socialist system. Forced labor is not an option; exploiting their labor would make us no better than the capitalists we seek to replace. Reeducation, performed with tact and understanding, followed by some amount of government assistance will hopefully ease the ardor of Men's former conscripts.

War Against the Holy Requires The Men of GodIs at war with Divine Mandate of Siberia

The following will bypass the focus:

Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist

Gain Base War Support: +7.50%.

This so-called "Great Father of the North" has called his legions of disillusioned followers towards our state with the goal of completely disestablishing everything we've worked so hard for so long to achieve. The peasants of Siberia seem to heed every back and call that he issues, empowered by his message of religion and reaction. This has led to Comrade Sablin himself reevaluating the nature of the role of religion in his envisioned union. Currently the general policy that we've retained regarding religion is that of secularism - the church and the state are separate, and to each man their faith, if necessary.

However, the old union of Lenin held a strict policy of state atheism, working to eliminate the admittedly problematic influence of religion on secular life. Perhaps we should rethink our approach to religion and its role within the territory that we control?

No Reason to Fear Us Requires War Against the Holy
Mutually exclusive with Crack Down on the OpiateIs at war with Divine Mandate of Siberia

The following will bypass the focus:

Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist

Change in popularity of Libertarian Socialism: +2.50%

This will empower the Sablinite wing of the party!

Political Power: +50.

Gain Base Stability: +10.00%.

The war we wage against "The Father" is a stain on the lives of the people, and calls are heard among our comrades to completely dismantle the reactionary foundations of religion this so-called "Divine Mandate" stands on. As such, reports are coming in that individual soldiers, platoons, and even entire battalions desecrate churches and other holy sites across Siberia.

However, this initiative will have to be overruled. This war is in many ways fought for the heart and mind of the common man. To win them over, the socialist soldier must illuminate the path to freedom for the misguided, not kick down the doors of their temples. To this end, the barbaric practices of looting and burning, unbecoming of valiant revolutionaries, will be discouraged, if needed - forcefully.

Crack Down on the Opiate Requires War Against the Holy
Mutually exclusive with No Reason to Fear UsIs at war with Divine Mandate of Siberia

The following will bypass the focus:

Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist

Political Power: -35.

Change in popularity of Authoritarian Socialism: +2.50%

This will empower the Bukharinist wing of the party!

Replace Secularism with State Atheism

Effective change:

Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05

Stability: -5.00%

War Support: +5.00%

Ideology Drift Defense: +50.0%

Unfortunately, sooner or later, the truth must be recognized - the foe we're facing is not Father Men or his reactionary lot. Our enemy in this war is religion itself, for, without its pervasive influence, such a disaster would never befall the lives of our people.

Comrade Sablin has thus long contemplated the measures we could take to oppose the influence of the Church and other institutions of religion. Suppression, both overt and covert has been rejected time after time. Ultimately, however, no alternative to it was found, as compromise and naive ideas of coexistence were set aside as well. It would seem a crackdown is the only real option we have at our disposal to rid us of further insurrection, and we have no choice but to use it.

Others will no doubt exploit this to paint our revolutionary zeal as ravings of militant atheists. Some may blame us for robbing the people of their faith and compare us to tyranny we originally fought. We must not allow these accusations to plague out thoughts. In the end, it is us who will find ourselves on the right side of history.

The Struggle Against Theocracy Requires one of the following:
- No Reason to Fear Us
- Crack Down on the Opiate
Is at war with Divine Mandate of Siberia

The following will bypass the focus:

Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist

We will take measures to lessen the impact of local peasant uprisings!

Alexander Men has instilled dangerous values in the less-educated parts of our nation. The peasantry are riled up, believing that Men is here as a savior of the North from the communist forces that surround him. Though we are at a still-painful lack of manpower to truly staff everything at once, we are able to divert some of our forces to effectively garrison uppity villages, and remind them that Alexander Men is not a savior.

Merely a man who dangerously thinks himself to be one.

The Trial of Alexander Men Requires all of the following:
- Reintegration
- The Struggle Against Theocracy
Divine Mandate of Siberia: Does not exist
Gets event 'The Trial of Alexander Men'.

We will take measures to lessen the impact of local peasant uprisings!

With the recent capitulation of some of the last of Sudoplatov's most loyal men, our soldiers have captured Men and brought him to our capital. While some of the more radical and reactionary politicians bay for blood, the man deserves a proper trial. Comrade Sablin himself has had some conflicting feelings on what to do with the religious mystic, who has not said a single word since his arrival.

It would be unfair to kill the man, or imprison him indefinitely without a trial - after all, Father Men is no bandit king or reactionary disguised as a revolutionary. He is a man who desires the best of his people - even if his vision is fundamentally misguided and highly misinformed. Thus, he will be subject to the people's justice - and only then will we decide the fate of the Father.

Final focus

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
A Beacon of Freedom Requires all of the following:
- The East Silenced
- The Trial of Alexander Men
Gain Base Stability: +15.00%.

Gets event 'Red Sun Rising'.

This will slightly decrease coring time.

It wasn't an easy path, nor a short one, but now that the misguided Father stands defeated and the perfidious fascists are shattered, we now find ourselves in control of what was once known as the Russian Far East. Already, our dedicated soldiers, commissars, and ideologues are working hard on spreading our message of revolution far and wide through the vast Siberian territories. We have begun what many are currently referring to as a "red spring" throughout the East, our soldiers bringing liberation and the massage that a new revolution is here to stay.

As Comrade Sablin and his closest confidants continue to prepare for the liberation of all Russians, the future of the Far East and Russia in general continues to brighten, and many, for the first time in recent memory, see a ray of hope where a derelict, reactionary Union once dominated leftist political thought.