Central African Republic

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The Central African Republic is a nation that can be formed in the event of a total Organization of Free Nations victory in the South African War out of the remains of the three German Reichskommissariats in Africa.


In order to form the Central African Republic, one must first achieve a total OFN victory in the South African War, at which point South Africa will annex some territory in Namibia and southern Mozambique and the rest of the territory will be handed over to various OFN mandates.

However, there is an additional option where instead of forming these three mandates, one can step in and choose instead to form one united authority over the newly-occupied African territories: the Central African Republic.

As with real life, the Central African Republic is extremely unstable and no matter how many resources are committed, will collapse, sparking the African Crisis, where bar some territories in East Africa, a majority of countries will rise up against the Republic. After reconquering these territories, the CAR will be dissolved and broken up; all of its member states will join the OFN.