Reichskommissariat Südwestafrika

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Flag of the Namibischer Staat (Schenck Decolonization)

Reichskommissariat Sudwestafrika is a colonial holding of the Greater Germanic Reich administered by Reichskommissar Wolfgang Schenck.


Sudwestafrika Government

Sudwestafrika is commanded, by Reichskommissar Wolfgang Schenck. Previously, Sudwestafrika was a South African Mandate, since the end of World War 1. It was also known as, "South West Africa," while it was under South African Rule. But, sometime in the late 1940's, Nazi Germany conquered, South West Africa. Afterwards, it was made, into a German Colony, known as, "Sudwestafrika," and new policies were enacted, to make Sudwestafrika, into a White-Majority colony.

Windhoek was designated, as the Capital, of Sudwestafrika. Furthermore, Wolfgang Schenck was made the new leader, of Sudwestafrika. He oversaw, the extermination of all the Black natives, of Sudwestafrika. Any remaining Blacks, were to be taken in, as slaves, and they would work on slave plantations, throughout Sudwestafrika. After this, Schenck would encourage, the mass migration, of ethnic Germans, and White South Africans, to repopulate Sudwestafrika.

Nowadays, Windhoek is 100% White. Sudwestafrika, is the only place, throughout Africa, that is White-Majority. Windhoek is full of ethnic Germans, White South Africans, and a few other European ethnicities. The SS, in Sudwestafrika, is primarily composed, of German, and White South African members. They do everything they can, to supress any revolts, in Sudwestafrika.

There is a nationalist movement, in Sudwestafrika, known as, the "SWAPO Party of Namibia." Their goal, is to turn Sudwestafrika, into an independent republic, known as, "Namibia." They would free the Black slaves, and the Whites and Blacks, would be able to coexist, in Namibia. But, the members of this movement, always get suppressed, by the Sudwestafrika SS. This movement was founded, sometime during the early 1950's.


National Spirits

Afrikaner Airstrip
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
  • Air Superiority Attack: +20.00%
  • Income Tax Rate Modifier Factor: +10.00%
  • Business Tax Rate: +5.00%
The deserts of Südwestafrika host the largest, most developed airfields on the entire continent. For access to their mightiest airhub, Reichskommissar Schenck charges the Reich every step of the way - for fuel, runway use, hangar space, and more. These bring a steady stream of income straight back into developing, operating, and maintaining our air force. The land may be volatile, but we rule the skies.
Away In The Clouds
  • Stability: +50.00%
  • War Support: -10.00%
  • Administrative Program Cost Factor: +5.00%
Our lands are filled with poverty, disease and rebels. But in the skies, our Reichskommissar can find peace. Preferring to spend his time on his pet projects than in any government building, Schenck can be found more often flying than he can be found ruling. Our administration of the region has inevitably suffered as a result, forcing us to empower more and more local leaders.
Incoherent Bookkeeping
  • Stability: +10.00%
  • Construction Speed: -20.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
Südwestafrika's economic administration is a bureaucratic labyrinth. It seems impossible to track any amount of money from revenue to expense. How this system actually works appears reserved to the minds of a select few accountants in Schenck's service, who has consistently postponed proposals to reform the system.
Very Low German Displeasure
  • Construction Speed: -5.00%
  • Factory Output: -5.00%
  • Army Cost Modifier: -80.00%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +5.00%
The Reich does not suspect anything. As far as it's concerned, war hero and famed aviator Wolfgang Schenck is the man for the job in Südwestafrika.


Reichskommissariat Südwestafrika will largely be idle until the outbreak of the South African War. They will form the Afrika-Schild faction with the other Reichskommissariats and intervene on the side of the Boer Republic. Should Südwestafrika remain independent after the war, or if Reichskommissariat Ostafrika takes the "Brudermold" focus during the war, Südwestafrika will be annexed by Ostafrika into the Großafrikanischer Reichsstaat.