Central Eurasian Republic

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United Eurasian Republic
The Flag of United Eurasian Republic after Reunification

The Central Eurasian Republic is the first warlord that rises up in the wake of the collapse of the Holy Russian Empire, following the death of Sergey Taboritsky. The Republic was established by Mikhail Baganov, a desperate Novosibirsk general who resisted the Holy Russian Empire and saved refugees as possible. When Baganov lost all his hope, he decided to fake his death. The death of Taboritsky restored his hopes for the future. His people returned to Novosibirsk and established a new republic under the name of Eurasia.

Though the Republic used the name of Eurasia, its ideology was different from the Ultranationalist Eurasianism of Lev Gumilyov. The Republic adopted pragmatism as an ideology combined with moderate ideas from Eurasianism. The Eurasian Republic believes Russian national identity to have been destroyed and irredeemably tainted by Taboritsky's atrocities. Therefore, it seeks to fuse the ethnicities of Russia into a new Eurasian identity. Aside from their ambition to create a new Eurasian identity, the republic rejects all other politics and dreams beyond pragmatism.